Browsing Category : Lentils

Smoky Lentil & Bean Casserole

This is a fantastic dish! I’m proud of myself! 😛 Not that I’m not usually, but this… well, this is great hot or cold, is baby friendly (I’m sure she will eat it if you make it too C.)! and besides being very easy to make, it is a FREE food on Slimming World and Weight Watchers! 😀 Oh, did…

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Who wants warming spicy lentil daal… ?

Daal! dal, dhal or maybe dahl! Whichever way you write it, it’s the same warming, spicy delicious bowl of goodness which can be used as a main, or a side, eaten with rice, with bread, or just on its own! As I have several really good friends who are Bengali (or married to Bengali’s) I have had more than my…

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Lentil Bolognese

Lentil Bolognese Hello! The sun is shining and the temperature is 14 degrees centigrade (57f). Woohoo! 😀 It’s time to get out in the garden and the allotment! I’m hoping this week was the last of the frosts! I think we’ll be planting like crazy… lots to go in already and we’ve been starting a few things on the windowsills!…

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Daal with Chickpeas (vegan & free-from)

Daal with Chickpeas Hello 😀 It’s Wednesday (just!) and I’ve managed to get back on track (no idea how!) This week I’ve had my little sisters children staying… I’m so not used to having a 2 year old around full time! and with his 6 year old sister too! We had FUN!!! But Oh I was SO tired! Special thanks to my…

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What do Vegetarians eat on Burns Night? Haggis? Ay they do!

What do Vegetarians eat on Burns Night? Haggis? Ay they do! Burns Night? What even is that? Well, if you are Scottish, then today, 25th January you would more than likely be celebrating “Burns Night”. Robert Burns (1759-1796) is the National Poet (Bard) of Scotland and his life and work is celebrated annually on this day (along with other things Scottish).…

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Flat rimmed bowl full of ezo gelin soup with chopped salad topping.

Ezo Gelin Soup! Gluten Free & Vegan

Ezo Gelin Soup! Gluten Free & Vegan What is Ezo Gelin I hear you ask? It’s a Turkish lentil based soup named after a bride called Ezo! The story says that Ezo’s mother-in-law did not like her, so to try to win her over, Ezo made this soup! The soup is now famous all over Turkey and is eaten at…

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1st Bloggiversary!!! Colourful Vegetable Quad Bake

1st Bloggiversary! Colourful Vegetable Quad Bake THANK YOU! 🙂 Yes…YOU!!! 🙂 Without ‘you’ I wouldn’t have made it this far! Without ‘you’ there would be nobody to share my recipes with! Without ‘you’ there was no reason to invent, create, test, tweak, retest, photograph and post over 150 recipes! Thank you all for your likes, shares, comments and follows! Life Diet…

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Spicy Lentil & Chickpea soup

Spicy Lentil & Chickpea Soup It’s cold! No two ways about it! The UK weather is changing rapidly… we’re still waiting for this Indian Summer but right now it’s jumpers and log fire weather! 🙂 This luscious hearty soup came about to warm us up and stave off the temptation of turning on the central heating before October! Gather Coconut…

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Luscious Lentils :)

Luscious Lentils 🙂 Well, last night I suddenly thought the blog tomorrow for the A-Z Challenge is and in this house, that has to be ‘lentils’ 🙂 Lentils are such a wonderful food full of protein, fibre, iron and a whole range of minerals 🙂 This dish is very easy and quick to make and you can vary the taste…

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