Browsing Category : Sides

Balsamic Dressing… umami those veg!

Balsamic Dressing… umami those veg! It’s cold! No two ways about it! Over the weekend the UK has suddenly gone from ‘okay to leave the house without a jacket weather’ to ‘thick socks, gloves and hat weather’! Last week it was 16 degrees most days and suddenly there’s a frost when I wake up! Colder weather means more warming foods – soups,…

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Mixed Mezes… #Vegan and Free From

Mixed Mezes… Vegan and Free From Another very busy week with lots going on before half term starts (hooray 🙂 a week without early mornings!) 🙂 Something a little different today because people are getting ready for Halloween parties! Whilst not your traditional meringue ghosts and ghouls, witches fingers and pumpkin biscuits, these mezes are sure to go down a…

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Vegan Cream Cheese… naturally dairy free.

Vegan cream cheese! In my last post I was talking about two types of people. It’s funny isn’t it, when you least expect it that you meet the nicest of people! Twice in the last week I have ‘just happened’ to come across such people! If you are reading this, then yes, I am probably talking about you! 😀 Isn’t…

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Cauliflower bhaji – wheat and dairy free! and photos…

Cauliflower bhaji – wheat and dairy free! and photos… NO WAY did I delete 900 photos from my phone by accident! OMGosh! 🙁 All those lovely recipes I’ve been creating, photos of ingredients, photos of the processes and photos of the finished foods! Some of them were saved photos – you know the ones you want to keep reminders of…

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Picnic Food! Yummy Buckwheat and Chickpea Salad

Picnic Food! Yummy Buckwheat and Chickpea Salad I forgot! I don’t like buckwheat! 😛 Lol! I needed something for lunch and having made quinoa lunches the last few times decided to try something else. Looking for grains in the pantry I spotted buckwheat groats lurking at the back. Thinking they would do, I cooked them up and remembered… I don’t…

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Savoury mousse… and it’s vegan!

Savoury mousse… and it’s vegan! Good morning! 🙂 I still have loads to do but quickly wanted to share this lovely recipe with you! This was one of my three recipes which were made from the same base – you already had the dessert (chocolate dessert), this one could be a starter, used as a dip or a tasty addition to…

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Chickpea fritters Vegan tasty and quick!

Chickpea fritters Vegan tasty and quick! Hello everyone! I missed you all! So so busy here but no time to think let alone cook, bake or blog! 🙁 These yummy fritters were rustled up in next to no time (in my new 1250w food processor 🙂 ) and are a delicious on the go snack as well as being great…

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Not-feta salad! It’s vegan!!!

Not-feta salad! 🙂 It’s vegan!!! 🙂 I’m so busy and don’t have time to write much but I just HAD to share this with you! This is just amazing! When I was on the plane to Istanbul last month the girl I sat next to shared this great tip with me 🙂 (I know! … how amazing that she had vegan…

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Xanthan & Xtras

Xanthan & Xtras (sorry 😛 ) Come on… ‘X’ of the A-Z Alphabet Challenge was always going to be one of the difficult ones! 🙂 Only two more days then you won’t have to put up with my Xcruciating titles! 😛 Xanthan gum! Love it? Hate it? Never heard of it? Put it in everything? Avoid those recipes at all…

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