Browsing Category : Sides

baba ganoush

Try these aubergine recipes to find a new love

Aubergines or Eggplants It always amazes me when people confuse aubergines with courgettes! So many times I have been asked at the checkout ‘these are courgettes right?’ or even asked ‘what are these?’ So, let’s get this straight. Aubergines are most often black or purple, shiny skinned and usually a bit bulbous. When buying you should look for bright and…

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quinoa salad in a white square bowl

Batch cook tasty lunch for everyone with this easy quinoa

Quinoa Lunch Bowl Quinoa is one of those foods which is still relatively new to the UK. If you are unfamiliar with the pronunciation it is ‘keen-wah’. Quinoa is a great nutritious food, full of protein – which is especially great on a plant based diet as it contains all 9 essential amino acids. This little wholegrain (althought technically a…

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green veg in sauce on white plate

How to make Green Vegetables everyone will love.

How to make Green Vegetables everyone will love Green vegetables! We know we should eat more, but sometimes more kale is the last thing you fancy eating! Green vegetables are full of Vitamins such as A, C and K, and also contain iron, potassium, folate, calcium and a whole host of other nutrients! Green vegetables are often referred to as…

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side view of cooked diced mushrooms and aubergine on a plate

A new way to love your veg – try Miso Veg

Miso Veg Sometimes, you just need to try something different to make you realise that actually you do like a certain vegetable! I have heard many people say they do not like aubergine and that astounds me! Sure, if you chop it up and boil it then I am totally in agreement with you! That is not how you cook…

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tofu in a star pastry case

An easy tofu recipe, 3 ideas for you

An easy tofu recipe, 3 ideas for you I realise tofu is something you might not think as for you, but have a look at this recipe before you dismiss it all together. I have created a delicious easy dish which you can use in 3 (or 4) different ways! Fantastic! Have a look here… What can I use the…

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dish of veg in cheese sauce

Easy no-cheese sauce for vegans

Easy no-cheese sauce for vegans Cheese is one of those foods which stops a lot of vegetarians turning vegan! For me, this was never really an issue because as much as I loved cheese, I am lactose-intolerant. When I went vegan in 2015 (I started by doing Veganuary on 1 January), the transition was therefore relatively easy. However, sometimes you…

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Seasonal Sprouts Ideas to fall in love with!

Seasonal Sprouts Ideas to fall in love with! Yes, it is the season of Brussels sprouts and most people I’ve discovered are missing out on these delicious little balls of nutrition! These seasonal sprouts are packed with Vitamins C, K, and A, B6, magnesium, manganese, phosphurus and also contain protein, fibre, iron and calcium! Okay, so I get that they…

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Plate of vegetable mash fritters on a white plate, with raita dip in centre

Vegetable Mash Fritters

Vegetable Mash Fritters I have found the perfect way to use up leftover mash! Regular mash has lots of uses, but I’m talking veg mash! Swede and carrot mash, or celeriac and sweet potato mash. Mash that you thought was delicious at the time, but after five platefuls gets a bit samey! Are you with me? I absolutely love carrot…

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Stuffed aubergines on a bed of rocket with yogurt drizzle

Stuffed Aubergines

Stuffed Aubergines You can have stuffed aubergines, or you can have stuffed aubergines! Usually, I would stuff them with a grain such as rice, or quinoa, or sometimes roll them up with couscous instead of stuffing! but this time I have just used vegetables! However, if you are turning your nose up at aubergines, you could of course use a…

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