Browsing Category : Sides

Season’s Eatings!

🙂 It’s the time of year where everywhere you look there are delicious displays of everything seasonal! In the UK it’s traditional to have Turkey with roast potatoes, roast parsnips, loads of vegetables including Brussels Sprouts, all served with gravy, cranberry sauce and bread sauce. Of course, if you are vegetarian or vegan then the traditional turkey is foregone in…

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Back to Basics: Roasted Chickpeas

Chickpeas! What a fantastic food! We love chickpeas and often just throw them in a pan, or in a soup, or in the oven! 🙂 These pulses are a great source of protein and also contain a healthy dose of iron! They also contain magnesium, potassium, folic acid, Vitamin B6 and calcium! What’s not to like! 😛 If you’ve never…

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Three different pumpkin gnocchi in white bowls. Savoury and sweet versions.

Three amazing Pumpkin Gnocchi you need now!

Pumpkin season is most definitely here! 🙂 What do you think of when you think of pumpkin though? Do you think of plump bright orange pumpkins carved into jack-o-lanterns? Do you think of pumpkin pie? Do your think of roasted pumpkin with loads of herbs and garlic? Or, do your thoughts turn to all the delicious foods you can make…

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Vegetable Curry with Marrow

Marrow! Not something I have ever relished eating! But then… I have never made it into curry before! 😛 Recently we bought a secondhand greenhouse and would you believe it, it came with a massive marrow (and a couple of courgettes and cucumbers!) 🙂 Now, last year we had a marrow plant on the allotment, but of the one vegetable…

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Summer Bean Salad

Is it salad weather where you are? There’s not much cooking going on here as the weather is so lovely it’s a bit too warm to eat anything much! Of course, we still need to eat, so salads are the way to go! I recall Jhuls @thenotsocreativecook previously saying she doesn’t eat salads! Well, this is definitely not a limp…

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Satay Vegetables

Something quick and easy for you this week. It was late. I was hungry! We had vegetables left over from a barbecue and I had just seen a picture of satay chicken, so I thought, let’s try satay vegetables! It worked! These vegetables still have their own taste but are covered in a sticky peanut sauce, then sprinkled with that…

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Lentil Daal

How can something so simple be so tasty! 🙂 This is red split lentils, spiced up to a delicious warming fragrant bowl of daal! We made this as part of a meal to eat with courgette & okra curry, samosas, brown lentil & spinach curry and of course rice, poppadoms and raita. This daal was my favourite! I love daal…

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Tofu Sprinkles!

These are my new favourite food! Not only are they great for sprinkling an extra bit of protein on a salad or soup, they also make great nibbles too! The thing that makes these great is the size! These are tiny little bites of tofu, totally full of flavour and they definitely fill that gap! These are easy to make…

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You’ll want to eat this veg! Your perfect centrepiece!

Have you seen whole cauliflowers turning up everywhere recently! Well, I didn’t think I could manage a whole one to myself, so I chopped one in half and made this delicious feast! 🙂 Okay, so you might think this is not really a recipe… but if you’ve only ever had boiled cauliflower, or stretched to cauliflower cheese, you really should…

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