You might think it doesn’t matter.
You might think your actions won’t have any affect.
You might think there is no point.
You might be wrong!
Someone will notice your actions.
Someone will hear of your actions.
Someone will act on your actions.
What you do matters.
Make it count!
We went to the beach. It looked clean. Then there was a speck of green. After that, orange, yellow, pink, blue, cable ties, bits of pots, wrappers, spoons, stirrers, even a Smartie tube lid (production of these stopped in February 2005)! They are in the wrong place!

What will YOU do?!
Wow, did you keep that Smarties momento lol? I must admit, I sometimes feel a little silly and a bit of a ‘jobsworth’ throwing away other people’s litter (I know I shouldn’t and shame on them) but it’s for the greater good! I do feel a little virtuous after the silliness subsides☺
I have the Smartie lid! 😀 This was our first ‘beach clean’ and after worrying about what people would think, I realised that it didn’t matter! I felt more silly after I tipped it all out of the bag to photograph though!!! 😛
Haha, that lid may be worth something one day?
I might go on a hunt (aka litter pick) for more so I can try and make a whole word! 😛
Ah.. wait… my lid says Rowntree… that makes it MUCH older than originally thought… Proof that plastic lasts for ages and we need to find something to replace it with! (pre 1990)!
Lol, you have the makings of an ‘antiques’ expert too!
Ah now… that shed (or eight) of Dads… 😛
Ahh, good luck with that… ☺xx