Search results for :salad

Fish and chip background with National fish and chip day logo over the top.

Fish & Chip Day Today! Great recipe!

Fish & Chip Day Today! Great Recipe! Yes. You are in the right place. We are a plant based website, but we still love fish and chips! So, as it is Fish & Chip Day today, here is a great recipe for you! Of course, we are not using ‘fish’, we are instead using banana blossom! You could also use…

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Three vol au vents on a plate with various vegan fillings

Let’s go Retro! Re-invented Vol au Vents!

Let’s go Retro! Re-invented Vol au Vents! Yes indeed! Let’s go retro! This week I was set a challenge to make vol au vents! Well depending on how old you are will depend if you even know what I am talking about! Vol au vents were 1980’s must have party food! Little round puff pastry cases with a hole to…

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Vegan Dandelion Honey – Syrup

Vegan Dandelion Honey – Syrup Interesting but delicious! I have never been a honey fan! Sure, I will drizzle maple syrup on my pancakes, or make flapjack cookies with golden syrup, but honey has never been my thing! Why then, would I decide to make vegan dandelion honey syrup? Well, I wanted to see how it was! Does it taste…

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Vegan burger stack with salad and skinny bun

Vegan Vegetable & Tofu Burgers

Vegan Vegetable & Tofu Burgers These are what they say – vegan and vegetable tofu burgers! No nuts, no breadcrumbs, just vegetables, tofu and some spices of course! These can be quickly whipped up when you realise you’ve nothing to have dinner, or when you want something easy to snack on. Yes, nothing complicated about these burgers, just tasty delicious…

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Chickpea curry in a bowl with baked potato, salad and yogurt

Easiest chickpea curry ever!

Easiest chickpea curry ever! Oh my gosh, this really is the easiest chickpea curry ever! If you ever told me that curry could be made so easily, I really would not have believed you! This recipe was created from my laziness and the want for something warming, comforting and nutritious. If you can open some tins, measure spices, chop an…

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Fluffy Cornmeal Savoury Muffins

Fluffy Cornmeal Savoury Muffins You know when you crave some carbs but think you should be healthy and not stuff yourself with white bread? Well, enter the fluffy cornmeal savoury muffins! Oh, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with white bread but sometimes you just need something a bit ‘more!’ The Muffin recipe We wanted to make something…

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Houmous… mint & spinach

Convenience Houmous is one of those wonderful easy to make foods which we tend to pick up in the supermarket rather than bother to make our own! Sure, it is easy to pick up tub or two of plain, low fat, sundried tomato or caramelised onion houmous, but why not try making it? and you’ll save on the plastic too…

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Cooked hot cross buns on a wire rack.

Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross Buns Good Friday is traditionally the day when Hot Cross Buns are eaten… that’s not to say you can’t eat (or make) them at other times! Hot cross Buns are one of those things that are great to keep in the freezer for when you have hungry teenagers asking ‘what’s for snack?’! 😛 I’m actually eating one now…

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Potato, Aubergine & Chickpea Bake

Cooking in a Lockdown! What a different week this has been! I hope you are all staying safe and well in these very difficult times. We have been cooking this week with what we had in stock – which was mostly lentils and chickpeas, until my delivery of fruit & vegetables yesterday (hooray!). This dish was created during the week,…

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Save more money with the Food Savvy challenge!

Food Savvy I hear you ask? What is that? In October last year, I received an email from the environmental charity Hubbub asking if I would be interested in joining their campaign to reduce food waste at home. Well, of course, this ties in perfectly with everything we are trying to achieve at Life Diet Health: creating meals from scratch;…

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