Search results for :salad

Meatballs…vegan style!

Meatballs are the perfect food for the colder weather! Serve them with pasta and a tomato-based sauce, pop them in some bread with some salad and mayo or just pop them in your mouth when nobody is looking (or is that just me?) The meatballs do take a bit of effort in the preparation (lots of fine dicing) but they…

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Back to Basics: Roasted Chickpeas

Chickpeas! What a fantastic food! We love chickpeas and often just throw them in a pan, or in a soup, or in the oven! 🙂 These pulses are a great source of protein and also contain a healthy dose of iron! They also contain magnesium, potassium, folic acid, Vitamin B6 and calcium! What’s not to like! 😛 If you’ve never…

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2 Seasonal soups which are good for you

Soups are warming, filling and nutritious! Soups are quick to prepare, great for using up all your spare vegetables and can be eaten for lunch or dinner. Soups can also be dressed up for a fancy starter with a sprinkling of toppings, stashed into a flask for a low key lunch or eaten as a main meal with a few…

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Vegetable & Tofu Broth

Autumn is coming! There is a sudden chill in the air. Summer holidays are over, children are back to school and the weather… well, it’s suddenly taken a tumble here by several degrees! The sun is still out, but it’s much cooler in the mornings (or are we just up earlier?)! It’s not quite time yet for heavy soups, but…

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Satay Vegetables

Something quick and easy for you this week. It was late. I was hungry! We had vegetables left over from a barbecue and I had just seen a picture of satay chicken, so I thought, let’s try satay vegetables! It worked! These vegetables still have their own taste but are covered in a sticky peanut sauce, then sprinkled with that…

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Peanut Butter Swirl Ice Cream

It. Is. Hot! Like, baking hot! This is the U.K. It doesn’t do hot! At least, it didn’t! The last couple of days have been around 33c (91f) and that for us, when summer usually averages around 20c (68f) is very hot! Hence no cooking, just salads and ice-lollies this week! Oh and I so forgot how delicious this simple…

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Lentil Daal

How can something so simple be so tasty! 🙂 This is red split lentils, spiced up to a delicious warming fragrant bowl of daal! We made this as part of a meal to eat with courgette & okra curry, samosas, brown lentil & spinach curry and of course rice, poppadoms and raita. This daal was my favourite! I love daal…

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Mini Veggie Burgers

Well, these went down amazingly well! 🙂 As with most things in the Life Diet Health kitchen, they weren’t planned, they just kind of evolved! It started with a pack of mushrooms that were saying ‘eat me’ so I chopped them up and cooked them with an onion and some garlic, then wondered how I could make a meal for…

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Exciting Stuff! Banana Blossom Flower Fish!

Yes! Banana blossom flowers are a thing! 😀 Banana blossom is the blossom from a banana tree! 😛 I guess you didn’t see that coming! 😛 On a banana tree, there is a deep purple pod, and I believe the male pods would not turn into bananas if left, so you’re not harming the fruit production of the tree if…

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Easy BBQ idea

It might actually, dare I say it, be Summer! 🙂 The UK is not known for it’s great amounts of sunshine, but finally the rain, storms and winds have died down and we are promised a weekend full of glorious weather! Great weather = great food = barbeque time! 😀 Yay! Okay, if you’re a meat eater, barbeques are a…

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