Search results for :salad

Tasty Tricolour Quinoa Salad (DEGF)

Tasty Tricolour Quinoa Salad (Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free.) Quinoa! That grain (it is actually a seed!) that’s full of protein! 🙂 Standard quinoa (at least in the UK) is the white variety and more frequently available now from local sources. However, quinoa also comes in red and black varieties. I cooked some of the black as a side to my…

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What’s for lunch? Quick & Spicy Bulgur Salad

Spicy Bulgur salad Here is a very quick and easy healthy and filling lunch to prepare! Packed with brown bulgur wheat, avocado, lime and chilli. It is low in saturated fat, full of protein and fibre, contains calcium, iron, potassium, manganese and a load of vitamins such as A, B, C, E, K. This recipe is best if you have some left over bulgur in…

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Recreate those delicious holiday memories at home.

Classic Street Snack. The last few weeks in the UK have been hot and sunny, reminding me not only of my younger days (yes, we used to have weather like that then) but also of the time I lived in Turkey. Whilst I did live there in all seasons, the summer seemed to stretch on for months, and you could…

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snack pots

What you need in your pantry for quick easy meals!

Something a bit different today to set you up on your plant-based journey. People often ask me, “What do you eat?” and since I rarely eat the same meal twice, it’s easier for me to give you a list of all the foods that are basics in my pantry. These are the current staples that keep my meals varied, nutritious,…

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The Secret Lives of those you love.

Uncovering the Impact of Hidden Truths Today, we are looking at the ‘Life’ and ‘Health’ parts of Life Diet Health! Of course there will be a recipe or two thrown in, but what I really want you to do, is focus on yourself and those around you. In our daily lives, we often navigate a maze of social interactions, building…

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lentil soup

Love this healing plant based soup for the soul.

Soup! I know it is supposed to be sunny and warm and summery, but when the rain comes, soup can be the perfect easy meal. This soup is my go to when I’m in need of a boost! For headaches, for fatigue, for wanting to feel healthy after eating too much cake, this soup really is for the soul! This…

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Transform your life and control pain with simple dietary changes.

Change Your Diet to Manage Your Pain Have you ever considered that what’s on your plate might be the mastermind behind your pain? Yes, your daily dinners could be secretly doubling as a ninja, fighting inflammation and pain one bite at a time – or it could be sneakily working against you. Here’s how to turn your meals into partners…

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Love this colourful flavour burst with simple rice.

Jewelled Pilaf! Pilaf, or pilau or even pilav are not words I often use, simply because rice is not something I eat regularly! I have always been a bit cautious with rice – ever since I learnt that it’s one of the main culprits of food poisoning! So, I usually only eat if if I’ve cooked it myself and generally…

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green eyes

Happy Eye Health with good habits and trendy shades.

How’s your vision? Though vision is crucial to our daily lives, eye health is often ignored—even if it noticeably starts to worsen. In fact, four in ten Brits do just that, believing their vision is ‘good enough to get by.’ Another 62% don’t get eye issues checked if it’s possible they’ll require surgery. As a result of waiting for these problems to…

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fritters in salad bowl

Love these veggie balls!

More beans! If you read last weeks post about mung beans, you’ll know that I found a lonely jar in the pantry and created this delicious daal. This week as I still had some left, I had a play with making some veggie balls and after a bit of trial and error, managed to perfect them! Of course, you can…

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