Pizza! DEGF (Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free.)
Happy weekend everyone! What’s better than chocolate and cake? okay.. that didn’t work! 😛 What savoury food is akin to chocolate and cake!? Yes, pizza of course! Hang on.. this is Life Diet Health… why are we talking pizza? 😛 🙂 P for pizza for my A-Z Challenge 🙂
Ooo when I clicked publish I got a message… this is post 100! Happy 100 posts to Life Diet Health!!!
Sorry.. got distracted there and had to do a quick update! 🙂 Anyway…this my friends and fellow bloggers is the ‘P’ that I mentioned I was making when I posted my D post (donuts). This is the ‘bizarre’ but ‘delicious’ concoction that totally works! 🙂 This has a yummy ‘healthy’ base which your munchers will never guess what the secret ingredient is… no, it’s not cauliflower but if you want that recipe I can post that sometime too! 🙂 The secret ingredient is… carrot!!! Yes! I know! Carrot!!! When this was mentioned to me I was VERY sceptical to say the least but you know what? My son won’t eat carrot (unless it’s in cake) but he munched his way through this pizza last night! I have made several variations of this now and I’ll let you decide on your favourite! 🙂 Choose from base 1-4 or make one of each! 🙂 Have a great weekend and I’ll be back on Monday with ‘Q’ !
- Base 1
- 400g carrots
- 60g chickpea flour
- pinch of salt
- ———————-
- Base 2
- 15g chia seeds soaked in 75ml water (for ten minutes)
- 400g carrots
- 60g coconut flour
- pinch of salt
- ————————-
- Base 3
- 400g carrots
- 60g porridge oats blitzed into flour
- pinch of salt
- ————————-
- Base 4
- 400g carrot pulp (might be as much as 1kg of carrots)
- 200g porridge oats blitzed into flour
- pinch of salt
- ————————-
- 50g tomato puree
- 100ml hot water
- 1 teaspoon oregano
- 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
- 1 large onion (150g) sliced
- 1 teaspoon coconut sugar
- handful of sweetcorn
- Sliced or chopped fresh pepper
- other toppings of choice – tomatoes, asparagus, mushrooms, olives, etc.
- cashews ground (or cheese / cheese substitute grated)
- For all bases: Peel the carrots, then top and tail.Carrots ready for pizza!
For bases 1, 2 & 3 grate the carrots. For base 4, put the carrots in a juicer.
- For bases 1,2 & 3: You need to get some of the liquid out of the carrots. You can either (with clean hands)! squeeze small handfuls of the carrot OR put the carrots in a clean muslin cloth and squeeze.Use a clean muslin cloth to squeeze some of the juice out of the carrots
You don’t need to get all the juice out… just make it a bit less wet!
- For base 4: Drink the carrot juiceYummy carrot juice… er that’s a LOT of juice!
and weigh the resulting pulp.
- For all bases: Add the remaining ingredients and mix well to combine.Add the flour with any other base ingredientsMix in the chia (base 2)
Flatten and press onto a greased tray shaping into a round or rectangle.
Press the mixture onto a lined baking sheetMake your base shapeSome of the bases hold together and shape better than others but as long as you can make a base shape (approximately half a cm thick) don’t worry too much about the edges!
- Put the bases in the oven on Gas Mark 4 (350f / 180c) for 10-15 minutes. The base should start to look firmer before you take it out.
- While the bases are cooking, prepare the tomato sauce and the toppings. Mix the tomato puree with the water and mix until you have a smooth paste. Add the oregano and set aside to cool slightly.
- Melt the coconut oil then add the onions. Sprinkle the sugar over and cook until brown and caramelising. Set aside.Caramelising the onions gives them a delicious taste 🙂
- Assemble: Spread the tomato paste on the base, scatter over onions, add sweetcorn and other toppings. Top with the ground cashews (or cheese) and return to the oven for 10-15 minutes.
- Enjoy!
Serve & Store
- It’s pizza! Eat it! 😛 🙂
- Serve with a salad if you like… or some healthy chips or wedges!
- Can be stored refrigerated for 2-3 days.