Tag Archives : barbecue

barbecue with hot coals

Love these great barbecue ideas

Summer! In the UK, as soon as the sun comes out, the air is filled with the smell of charcoal as people get their barbecues out. If you’re like us, the sun just makes it so we can sit around outside – the barbecue works on dull days too! Sometimes we just use the barbecue to cook dinner – whatever…

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5 Easy Summer Salads

5 Easy Summer Salads When the weather is heating up, cooking is generally the last thing on your mind – who wants to slave away in the kitchen when the sun is shining?! So, light the barbeque, skewer some veg, marinate some tofu (or meat/ fish/ chicken) and prepare these 5 easy summer salads to go with your meal! Salad…

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Easy BBQ idea

It might actually, dare I say it, be Summer! ๐Ÿ™‚ The UK is not known for it’s great amounts of sunshine, but finally the rain, storms and winds have died down and we are promised a weekend full of glorious weather! Great weather = great food = barbeque time! ๐Ÿ˜€ Yay! Okay, if you’re a meat eater, barbeques are a…

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Hooray! It’s Barbecue Time!

Hooray! It’s Barbecue Time! Finally the sun came out for a gloriously sunny weekend! We should really have been planting the garden or the allotment up but it was just a bit too sunny to do any hard work! ๐Ÿ˜› So, instead we had a barbecue… or three! ๐Ÿ˜€ Good job we took advantage of the sunshine as it now…

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Tantalisingly Tasty Tofu! YES really!!! & FREE show tickets!

Tantalisingly Tastyย Tofu! I know! ๐Ÿ˜› Some of you hate tofu! It’s bland. It has the texture of congealed custard. It just isn’t something you eat! I know! ๐Ÿ™‚ That was me about two years ago! I’ve been vegetarian for over twenty years, but tofu… nope! I just didn’t get it! Let me tell you a tofu secret! Tofu is a…

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