Tag Archives : chocolate recipe

Satsumas and Chocolate… just because you can vegan style!

Satsumas and Chocolate… just because you can vegan style! Munch munch munch! 😀 I love satsumas! Don’t get me wrong, I love oranges, tangerines, clementines and mandarins too but there’s something about the easy peel, the delicate orange fragrance, the subtle way the segments just separate on their own and disappear into my mouth! oops! Can you eat too many?…

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Chocolate Berry Smoothie Ice… Dairy Free!

Chocolate Berry Smoothie Ice… Dairy Free! 🙂 After the last few days I thought that summer in the UK had finally ended 🙁 We have had so much rain that I’ve even had to empty the trays under the tomatoes! This morning however is lovely blue skies with not a fluffy white cloud in sight 🙂 The school holidays have…

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C = Chocolate! :)

C = Chocolate! Day three of the A-Z challenge and so near to Easter ‘C’ could only be for ‘chocolate’ ! 🙂 This was an experiment which has been meaning to happen for a long time and I am more than happy with how it turned out! I also made some delicious truffles but I’ll save those for another day! 🙂 This…

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Healthy Chocolate Breakfast Bowl

Healthy Chocolate Breakfast Bowl (DEGF) 🙂 What happened to Spring? The weather has turned cold again 🙁 so I needed something warm and yummy for breakfast! Porridge sprung to mind but I wanted something more exciting 🙂 then I remembered that when we were younger we used to have ‘ready brek’. I’ve no idea how they get the fine floaty…

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DEGF Healthy Chocolate Brownies (very low sugar)!

DEGF Healthy Chocolate Brownies (very low sugar)! There are SO many things I am excited about today I don’t know where to start! The beginning.. oh yes.. always a good place to start! A couple of days ago something eat2healthUK said about my Baked Apple Oatmeal Bites got me thinking about sugar. You may have noticed that I don’t use…

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Fabulous Flapjack Friday (and its DEGF & chocolate too)!

Fabulous Flapjack Friday (DEGF & Chocolate) It’s fabulous Friday… fabulous because tomorrow it’s the weekend! That means plenty of yummy cake and biscuit trialling 🙂  What’s so good about this flapjack? Apart from it being DEGF (Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free.) and tasting sooo good you want to eat it all before it’s even out of the oven!? Well as if…

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Weekend Wonder… DEGF Chocolate Mud cake (version 2)

DEGF Chocolate Mud Cake (version 2) I’m SO excited! I spent most of the day yesterday eating making chocolate cake! I wanted to perfect the recipe (DEGF chocolate mud cake) to make even the fussiest “I’m not eating your DEGF food” friends think that what they were eating was a chocoholics dream. That my recipe would fool even the cake connoisseurs,…

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Warming Winter Spiced Chocolate (DEGF)

Warming Winter Spiced Chocolate Oh My Gosh! 🙂 It was so cold yesterday I thought my fingers would drop off! I needed something to warm me up without making me (more!) lazy and lethargic and this… this was amazing! Don’t think ‘hot chocolate’ as this is most definitely not! Don’t think ‘creamy & calorific’ as there’s no cream or no dairy…

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DEGF Chocolate Mud Cake (Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free.)

DEGF Chocolate Mud Cake (version 1) Hello! So… now that  I’ve eaten all of the DEGF chocolate mud cake (I did have some help)! here is the recipe 🙂 Did you guess that D.E.G.F. meant Dairy, Egg, Gluten, Free? What a great acronym (say: dee, eee, geee, efff) which I will now start using on all recipes that meet the…

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