Tag Archives : free from

Socca Style Wraps

Socca Style Wraps Do you keep gram flour as a kitchen staple or do you just buy it when needed? I never used to have it. I didn’t know where to buy it. In fact, I probably never realised such a thing existed! We use it quite a lot, gram flour, or garbanzo flour, call it chickpea flour if you…

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Chocolate Cake!

Chocolate Cake! It’s been a while since I’ve posted a chocolate recipe and as I was playing in the kitchen this week and created this delicious light fluffy cake, I thought I’d share it with you! ๐Ÿ™‚ This would be perfect for Valentines Day, either as dessert or just to say ‘I love you’! ๐Ÿ™‚   I was aiming for…

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Hello! STOP!

Hello! STOP! Well, I guess you didn’t expect that! ๐Ÿ˜› So, how are your new years resolutions going? Given up already or still going strong? How many things have you already checked off your to-do list? Any? Some? None? How’s the weather where you are? Cold? Snowy? Dull? Rainy? Breezy? Bright and sunny? Too hot? Maybe you’re feeling on top…

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Winter Chickpea Salad

Winter Chickpea Salad Chickpeas! Do you eat them? Do you love them? They are almost a staple in our house! My husband buys them by the case (12 tins) or two or three!!! We have dried chickpeas too but it’s so easy to just open a tin and eat them straight out of the… pop them in a pan with…

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Fresh Mango Cake

Fresh Mango Cake Mangoes! Do you love them as much as me? I think mangoes are a taste which need some getting used to. I know hubby always thought he didn’t like them, but now, take last week for example, he came home with five fresh mangoes as they were on offer! ๐Ÿ™‚ ย Now, not all mangoes are the same…

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Topped Pancakes!

Topped Pancakes Pancakes? Yes, I know! ๐Ÿ˜› I haven’t had pancakes for ages and as I used to have them nearly every morning, I thought it was time for a revival! ๐Ÿ˜€ Topped pancakes might make you think thatย I usually eat them plain… which very occasionally I might do, but usually I load them up or stuff them with all…

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sizzled tofu steak

Sizzled Tofu Steak with a sprinkling of motivation!

Sizzled Tofu Steak with a sprinkling of motivation! Tofu!? I hear you! ๐Ÿ˜€ You’re probably thinking seriously!? There’s a ton of tastier foods to eat!ย ๐Ÿ˜› Well, this is my best tofu yet! It is so good! Can I say that again?! This is so amazingly good! ๐Ÿ˜€ You might have heard me say before if prepared properly that tofu soaks…

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Apple Crumble Slice

Apple Crumble Slice (vegan & free-from) Back to school day ๐Ÿ™ It always saddens me when the holidays end, more so this time as we had some great plans but then coughs and colds took over and we were stuck indoors. It’s not that we don’t have fun at home – we watched LOADS of films, played some board games,…

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2018… Goals…Veganuary… Happy New Year!

2018… Goals…Veganuary… Happy New Year! Happy New Year to you all! ๐Ÿ™‚ I wish you a wonderful evening of celebrations, followed by an amazing 2018. YOU… yes YOU reading this! YOU have the ability to change your life and make it the best you can! YOU have the ideas, the dreams, the aspirations to be whatever you want to be…

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