Tag Archives : free from

Tantalisingly Tasty Tofu! YES really!!! & FREE show tickets!

Tantalisingly Tasty Tofu! I know! 😛 Some of you hate tofu! It’s bland. It has the texture of congealed custard. It just isn’t something you eat! I know! 🙂 That was me about two years ago! I’ve been vegetarian for over twenty years, but tofu… nope! I just didn’t get it! Let me tell you a tofu secret! Tofu is a…

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Leave, Lincoln & Luscious Lasagne!

Leave, Lincoln & Luscious Lasagne! My laptop hasn’t been on since last Friday! I’m not (so I thought) interested in politics, but unless you’ve been hiding under a rock (or maybe in the desert) it’s a bit hard to avoid what’s been going on in the world. Even my primary school aged son came home and said they’d had their…

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Aubergine & Chickpea Vegan Bake

Aubergine & Chickpea Vegan Bake So, I am another year older 😀 and have spent almost the whole week being spoilt one way or another! I’ve seen friends, eaten out, been to my parents, had presents, cake, chocolate, been shopping and even been to the park! 😀 Have a look… Anyway, the recipe which I am sharing today is inspired by two…

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Carrot Cake – Vegan & Free-From!

Carrot Cake – Vegan & Free-From! WOW! 😛 😀 If my life got any busier… actually I’m not sure what would happen! BUT, thankfully I had a couple of things cancelled this week otherwise I’d probably be writing this from the sofa instead of the desk! What an exciting week though! My best friend bought her first EVER car! 😀…

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Square white dish with homemade houmous drizzled with olive oil, with a side of sliced pitta bread.

Back to Basics: Houmous!

Back to Basics: Houmous You know, houmous is one of those things which automatically gets added to the weekly shop without too much thought but it’s really so simple to make your own and takes about as long to make as it does to wrestle the box out of the cardboard sleeve and remove the plastic! 😀 Houmous (or hummus / humus) is…

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Cake, birthdays & holidays!

Cake, birthdays & holidays! First of all, just a reminder for you all not to believe everything you read online! Rewind 20 years and the world was a much more honest place! Today there are all sorts of unscrupulous people parading as anything they want to be! This week on a local website somebody posted about an email scam which…

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Put on Purple… served with ice-cream!

Put on Purple… served with ice-cream! I wasn’t intending to post today as I should really have ‘one’ rest day in my – “I’m having a rest week”! Never mind – maybe at the weekend I can get some rest! 😀 So, why am I posting and what’s all this about purple? Well, the month of May is Lupus month…

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Fast Food with a difference! It’s fast & it’s cake-y!!!

Fast Food with a difference! It’s fast & it’s cake-y!!! So, I’m sitting in my kitchen thinking I need more ‘rest’ time after my very busy week last week! Rest = tea & biscuits (cookies) or coffee & cake right? Of course it does! 😀 I have tea – green tea, mint tea, earl grey tea, English Breakfast tea, flower tea…

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Tropical Rice Salad

Tropical Rice Salad  . Hello everyone! 🙂 Well, what a busy weekend I had! If you read my last post ‘zingy marbled cheesecake’ then you’ll know that I was co-hosting the weekly Fiesta Friday blog party! 🙂 Usually if I am looking at recipes they are foods which mostly meet my health needs i.e. dairy free, gluten free and refined…

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