Tag Archives : free from

Breakfast Brownies!!! Yes you CAN!!! Healthy and free from!

Breakfast Brownies!!! Yes you CAN!!! Healthy and free from! Hello… I know I said I wouldn’t post on a Sunday but as I missed yesterday I thought I’d share this gorgeous recipe with you! It’s been busy busy me again this week but last night I gave in as I needed chocolate and cake! 🙂 I’ve been so busy with hardly…

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School holidays and vegan chocolate mousse!

School holidays and vegan chocolate mousse! Once again in the UK it is the school holidays – time goes so fast I sometimes wonder if there is actually any days spent at school! That said I love the school holidays as we often get up to all sorts of fun and visit new places. Having been SO busy the last…

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Chickpea fritters Vegan tasty and quick!

Chickpea fritters Vegan tasty and quick! Hello everyone! I missed you all! So so busy here but no time to think let alone cook, bake or blog! 🙁 These yummy fritters were rustled up in next to no time (in my new 1250w food processor 🙂 ) and are a delicious on the go snack as well as being great…

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Maple Donuts Free From

Maple Donuts Free From I’m back again, short and sweet! 😛 🙂 Breakfast, dessert, snack, anytime! 🙂 How were these created? “Waffles!” My son came in much too early for a weekend and said “Can we have waffles? Do we have any waffles?” We didn’t, but the thought of donuts instead kept him happy! 🙂 These were whipped up in…

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Freeeeee! Free From Dairy. Egg. Gluten.

Freeeeee! Free From Dairy. Egg. Gluten 🙂 Good morning! Happy Friday! It’s almost the weekend! and today is the first day in a whole month that I can post whatever I want without trying to contortion it into letter of the day! 🙂 For those of you unaware, for the whole month of April I was partaking in an A-Z alphabet…

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Z = Zabaglione

Zabaglione OMGosh!!! 🙂 We’ve reached the final day of the A-Z challenge! I started the challenge on letter A as registrant 684 and now at Z I am registered as 566! That’s a lot of people who have dropped out (not sure how many altogether as there were over 1500 of us) so I feel a great sense of achievement! 🙂 Thank you…

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Y = YOU & Yummies!

Y = You and Yummies! Today I am making the post easy for myself in my A-Z Challenge! Sometimes ‘YOU’ deserve some ‘me’ time! So today is just for YOU! So stop whatever else you are doing! Listen to your breathing. Relax your shoulders. Err no… relax them some more! Empty your head. Concentrate on your breathing. Now even if only for…

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Xanthan & Xtras

Xanthan & Xtras (sorry 😛 ) Come on… ‘X’ of the A-Z Alphabet Challenge was always going to be one of the difficult ones! 🙂 Only two more days then you won’t have to put up with my Xcruciating titles! 😛 Xanthan gum! Love it? Hate it? Never heard of it? Put it in everything? Avoid those recipes at all…

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V= Versatile Vegetables!

Versatile Vegetables Happy weekend! 🙂 It’s rainy here… hooray! My plants will be so happy! (and we don’t need to get the watering cans out)! Anyway, please forgive me for not posting cake or chocolate today… this is the last Saturday of the A-Z Challenge so back to normal next weekend! 🙂 Can you believe April is almost over already!…

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