Tag Archives : free from

Moola Bhaji. Bengali Vegetable Dish. Free From.

Moola Bhaji Moola. Mooli. White radish. Daikon. To me, I thought this was just like a giant radish which should be chopped up into salad and eaten raw! πŸ™‚ With a slightly milder taste than the traditional round pink radishes, this was a vegetable I’d often seen but never really given any thought. Hah… well! how mistaken was I! Little…

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Healthy Chocolate Breakfast Bowl

Healthy Chocolate Breakfast Bowl (DEGF) πŸ™‚ What happened to Spring? The weather has turned cold again πŸ™ so I needed something warm and yummy for breakfast! Porridge sprung to mind but I wanted something more exciting πŸ™‚ then I remembered that when we were younger we used to have ‘ready brek’. I’ve no idea how they get the fine floaty…

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Courgetti with Quick Pomodoro Sauce

Courgetti with Quick Pomodoro Sauce A very quick post today but nonetheless full of nutrition and flavour! πŸ™‚ Courgetti! πŸ™‚ I don’t know what we did before we had the spiraliser! It is fantastic and great fun too! This is a quick dish for hungry footballers! πŸ˜› πŸ™‚ If you don’t have a spiraliser, go and buy one! then you…

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Breakfast Sticks Churros Style… Free From Dairy, Egg & Gluten

Breakfast Sticks Churros Style. DEGF! Anything originally deep fried, sugar laden and very sweet has always disappeared too fast in our house! Think doughnuts 3 or 4 at a time magically vanishing into thin air or churros being eaten as fast as they’re out of the pan! Trying to be healthier and reduce ‘everyone’s’ sugar intake, dairy intake and oil…

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Happy Sunny Sunday… Fresh air for you!

Happy Sunny Sunday πŸ™‚ It’s sunny. There is an almost clear blue sky! πŸ™‚ It’s the weekend. Get off the internet and go outside! Go for a walk, get the bike out, do some gardening (lots of seeds can be planted from now onwards), take a ball to the park, try out those running shoes or dig out those dusty…

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Double Chocolate Free From Hotcakes

Double Chocolate Free From HotcakesΒ  (DEGF) It’s the weekend! Here on Life Diet Health that generally means chocolate, or cake… or both! πŸ˜› πŸ™‚ Last night I wanted something chocolatey but I wanted it instantly! I didn’t want to spend ages in the kitchen measuring, mixing, measuring, whisking, measuring, beating and then waiting a further hour for something to cook…

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Choc n Nut Raspberry Sundae Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free. (DEGF)

Choc n Nut Raspberry Sundae Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free. (DEGF) Something different from what I was going to post today because the sun is shining and it looks like ice-cream weather! Plus, I got distracted from writing this and I’m now short of time… but I did sort out my recipe for tomorrows post along the way! πŸ˜› πŸ™‚ So…

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Pie week… DEGF Caramelised onion, potato and bean pies.

Pie week… DEGF Caramelised onion, potato and bean pies (Yes, they really are Dairy, Egg & Gluten free!) I had seriously forgotten how much I liked loved pies! The light but crisp crunch of the pastry breaking away to reveal a delicious mouthful of pure complimentary tastes. The meatiness of all that food in one bite (without the meat!) but…

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