Tag Archives : free from

Organic or Non-Organic? Do you know what you’re eating?

Organic or Non-Organic? Do you know what you are eating? Hello all! 🙂 Did you miss me! I don’t think I’ve ever posted this late! 😛 Not that I’m a morning person but if I make my posts the first thing I do, then I have the rest of the morning to play in the kitchen! 🙂 Today I want to ask…

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Sunny Sunday and Dairy Free Ice cream Bites!

Sunny Sunday and Dairy Free Ice Cream Bites I almost forgot to post today! I was distracted by the sunshine pouring through the windows and although there is a bit lot of a breeze it is a glorious spring day! 🙂 So, I’ve been getting my Vitamin D intake in the garden whilst sorting out the bird bath and feeders…

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Saturday Spiralling Adventure!

Saturday Spiralling Adventure! Usually on a Saturday I post about chocolate or cake, something which takes a bit longer than my usual recipes in the hope that over the weekend you’ll have more time for baking! 🙂 However I was so excited yesterday I just HAD to share this with you! I know it’s not ‘news’ to some of you but to…

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Brilliant Banana Bread DEGF!

Brilliant Banana Bread Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free. It’s Friday! 🙂 The weekend is coming! I have loads of yummy experiments to keep me busy this weekend AND I must sort out using the real camera! Any tips anyone?! and any great weekend plans? 🙂 This morning the sun is shining so without thinking I automatically opened the window behind my…

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North African Inspired Tagine Style Chickpeas

North African Inspired Tagine style Chickpeas How exciting! I’ve just received my bespoke organic vegetable delivery and it looks like I’m going to be busy! As well as the regular vegetables I also have some red Jerusalem artichokes (grown locally in the UK), a very large purple kohlrabi, a tub of mixed sprouts, some golden globe beetroot, fresh horseradish and……

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Moroccan Inspired Millet… Couscous Style!

Moroccan Inspired Millet… think couscous and tagines 🙂 Morocco if you have ever visited, is a place full of intrigue, of sights, sounds, smells and colour 🙂 . What seems like an eternity ago, I travelled fairly extensively in Morocco from Sidi Ifni in the South, through the Atlas Mountains, to the now touristy areas of Casablanca, Marrakesh, Rabat, Meknes…

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Luscious Lentil Pakoras… a Bengali comfort food. D.E.G.Free!

Luscious Lentil Pakoras. Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free. Today I had no idea what recipe I was going to post! Sometimes I might have a day in the kitchen and end up producing three different wonderful recipes, whereas on other days I’m too tired to be Mrs Inventor! 😛 I usually have a rough idea what I will post the following…

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Chocolate! Dairy free!!! So excited!

Chocolate! REAL dairy free chocolate! I wouldn’t usually do this but I’m just so excited! Yesterday I got a catalogue through from a well established British chocolatier (I love my chocolate)! and just flicking through looking at everything I couldn’t eat searching for the dark chocolate pages what did I see which almost caused me to fall of my chair?! OMGosh……

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Spicy Vegetable Casserole aka Stewp!

Spicy Vegetable Casserole aka Stewp! How quickly this week has gone! Oh well, I guess it’s only another five weeks to the next school holiday! 🙂 Hopefully next week I’ll get the chance to try out some delicious new recipes that I’ve been planning in my head for too long! For now though here’s a lovely creation named “Stewp” thanks to…

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