Tag Archives : free from

Happy Chinese New Year: Lettuce Wraps. DEGF

Chinese New Year: Lettuce Wraps (Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free.) It’s the start of the Chinese New Year celebrations. I thought it was the year of the Goat but it appears that “Yang” translates as Goat, Sheep or Ram so 2015 can be any of those years! 🙂 If you don’t know the story of how the Chinese New Years were…

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Mushroom Stroganoff Dairy & Gluten Free!

Mushroom Stroganoff. DEGF Mushrooms! Yum! For a vegetarian or a vegan, mushrooms are one of those ‘meatier’ foods which you can actually sink your teeth into and chew! This stroganoff will allow you to do just that and savour all the goodness these fungi bring! Mushrooms are able to produce their own Vitamin D 🙂 when exposed to sunlight! If…

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Roasted Red Pepper Soup. DEGF.

Roasted Red Pepper Soup. Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free. Roasted red peppers are one of those delightful foods which taste so indulgent but are so healthy for you being low in fat, packed with vitamins such as C, A, and E and also containing folate and magnesium. 🙂 This recipe (if you can resist eating the peppers straight from the pan) is quick and…

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Sleepy Sunday :-) post Valentines lay in!

Sleepy Lazy Sunday! <3 What day do you get a lie in? I know it was actually Valentines day yesterday, but this is a Valentines weekend! <3 What did you get? Flowers? Chocolates? Dinner? A surprise weekend away? Jewellery? A proposal??? Breakfast in bed? Sunday is actually the only day where I ‘could’ have a lay in… but if your body clock is…

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Happy Valentines Day! :) Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free. Style!

<3 Happy Valentines Day <3 Smile:) be happy 🙂 Even if you don’t have your own Valentine, you can still enjoy all the love (and chocolate) going around! Meet up for a girly chat, have a blokes night out, take the children to the park, take the dog on a new walk, play in the snow, but have a great day…

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Five minute flat bread! DEGF!

Five Minute Flat Bread Today is one of those waiting days! Waiting to see how one of best friends gets on! 🙂 Do you know how long each minute appears to be when you’re waiting! I keep looking at the clock but the time is never more than a minute since I last looked! I only have to wait another hour…

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Award Day! Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award Well would you believe it! Jennie at VeganMiow nominated my blog for The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award (TSOTWBA). I love Jennies blog as she has some super delicious recipes on there and they are all vegetarian (& vegan) friendly. 🙂 Anyway, awards (I have discovered) are a fantastic way to get others…

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Quick & Tasty Vegetable Rice

Quick & Tasty Vegetable Rice I had so many things to write today, little snippets I’d been saving but now my day has run away with me! This morning we have already had glorious bright glaring sunshine, followed by a giant black shadow throwing down bucket loads of rain, then the sunshine returning almost immediately! Looking outside now I can…

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Saturday Shock! Liebster Award!

Saturday Shock! Liebster Award! OMGosh!!! I’m thrilled. I’m honoured. I’m so excited. I’m an award winner!!! Thank you so much to Andrea at The Healthy Secret Identity for nominating me! That was SO NOT what I was expecting when I checked my inbox from under my warm snuggly duvet this morning. It certainly brightened my day after having been woken…

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