Tag Archives : gluten free

baked beans

Back to Basics – love these very simple homemade baked beans!

Beans! This week we’re going to add to our ‘back to basics’ series with the most straightforward and satisfying baked beans recipe ever! Sometimes, the simplest dishes are the most comforting, and these baked beans are no exception. Whether you’re looking for a quick side dish or a hearty addition to your breakfast, this recipe is sure to become a…

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lentil soup

Love this healing plant based soup for the soul.

Soup! I know it is supposed to be sunny and warm and summery, but when the rain comes, soup can be the perfect easy meal. This soup is my go to when I’m in need of a boost! For headaches, for fatigue, for wanting to feel healthy after eating too much cake, this soup really is for the soul! This…

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homemade baked beans on toast with rocket

Is this the easiest recipe ever? Love this 2 ingredient…

Beans for your toast or jacket potatoes! Tinned baked beans are a great quick and easy food for many, but did you know they are packed with sugar and salt? Sure, it’s very easy to open a tin and make beans on toast or fill a jacket potato, but when you realise this quick and easy substitute you might rethink…

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chickpea and sweet potato curry in a silver dish

Whip up this quick & easy winter warmer.

Sweet Potato & Chickpea Curry! This dish was created by accident in one of those – ‘what have I got that needs using up’ moments! The great thing about this recipe, is that the sweet potato becomes the sauce base, so there is no need to spend lots of time or extra ingredients to make a nice thick sauce. The…

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Add this easy recipe to your next roast

Stuffing makes everything better! This week my local radio have been discussing ‘foods that make a roast’ so I thought I would play along and really think about it! Of course, everyone has different opinions but you have to have stuffing right? The thing with stuffing is, do you have crisp and crunchy or soft and whatever the opposite of…

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Red soup by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

Sensational soup season is here

Homemade is easier than you think! I used to be very scared of making soup! My late Mum always used to make what she called ‘big soup’ which basically meant, that was dinner! You might wonder how a soup could be a whole meal, but Mum’s soup was packed full of loads of vegetables and was served with hunks of…

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Greek salad in a dish

Easily make tasty tofu and never run out again!

Tastier & Easier than you think! I know tofu is a bit like marmite, but once you’ve discovered how easy this is to make and how tasty it can be, you will thank me! You might be thinking that my easy, and your easy are very different things, but this really is much simpler than you would expect! Of course,…

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fig tart

You will absolutely love this dessert!

Fresh fig tart! What do you get if you have a load of figs and a spare roll of puff pastry? You get the most delicious dessert ever! Okay, so fresh figs off the tree are one of the most delicious desserts and yes, do eat them like that too but make this dessert and wow! Just wow! This dessert…

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Delicious easy recipe for more mushrooms than you can eat!

Mushroom Houmous This week I thought I would try something new! Of course, if mushrooms are something you prefer to leave, then try my regular houmous instead! Why mushroom houmous? Well, as many of you know, I hate food waste, and when I saw loads of mushrooms available on the food sharing app Olio, I had to rescue some! Many…

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