Tag Archives : healthy chocolate

Chocolate, Calcium & Cookathon! All vegan!

Chocolate, Calcium & Cookathon! All vegan! Hello everyone! πŸ™‚ Do you think that I’m a bit undecided about what to post this week? πŸ˜› Well actually I have too many things to share so thought I’d give you a bit of everything today! πŸ™‚ Chocolate first before I eat themΒ my husband eats them all!!! Yes!!! Believe that! πŸ˜€ I’m sure…

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Vegan Chilli – it’s hot hot hot!!!

Vegan Chilli – it’s hot hot hot!!! It’s quick! πŸ™‚ It’s tasty! πŸ™‚ It’s spicy! πŸ™‚ This started out as a ‘what can I use the last black beans in’ and turned into something SO delicious that BOTH boys ate it without question! πŸ˜› Yes… the meat munchers gobbled this down and I didn’t even hear a ‘what no meat?’…

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Satsumas and Chocolate… just because you can vegan style!

Satsumas and Chocolate… just because you can vegan style! Munch munch munch! πŸ˜€ I love satsumas! Don’t get me wrong, I love oranges, tangerines, clementines and mandarins too but there’s something about the easy peel, the delicate orange fragrance, the subtle way the segments just separate on their own and disappear into my mouth! oops! Can you eat too many?…

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T = Tofu Treat!!!

Tofu Treat!!! I guess you’re thinking I’ve posted the wrong photo!!! πŸ˜› πŸ™‚ No! Definitely not! πŸ™‚ Accidentally the wrong type of tofu was bought (silken not firm) and so I hadΒ a little play! πŸ™‚ From two main ingredients I managed to make a starter,Β main and dessert! Impressive hey! πŸ˜› I was going to post all three today… a Tofu…

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C = Chocolate! :)

CΒ = Chocolate! Day three of the A-Z challenge and so near to EasterΒ ‘C’ could only be for ‘chocolate’ ! πŸ™‚ This was an experiment which has been meaning to happen for a long time and I am more than happy with how it turned out! I also made some delicious truffles but I’ll save those for another day! πŸ™‚ This…

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Fudgey Chocolatey Free From… Fudge?!

Fudgey Chocolatey Free From…Fudge Hello Weekend! πŸ™‚ It seems like I’ve been up for hours already (early football today)! but once again I’ve not achieved much! That said I did make some bread for breakfast (DEGF recipe soon…) and of course the second load of washing is in, the kitchen has been tidied (?!) and I’ve been taste testing the…

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Tomorrow is another day! Don’t stress the chocolate!

Tomorrow is another day! Don’t Stress the Chocolate! Well! Today hasn’t exactly gone to plan… not that I had a plan as such, but besides trying to catch a glimpse of the eclipse, that is so far all my day has achieved! Okay, so that is not strictly true! I had a phone call from a friend which lasted almost…

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Healthy Chocolate Breakfast Bowl

Healthy Chocolate Breakfast Bowl (DEGF) πŸ™‚ What happened to Spring? The weather has turned cold again πŸ™ so I needed something warm and yummy for breakfast! Porridge sprung to mind but I wanted something more exciting πŸ™‚ then I remembered that when we were younger we used to have ‘ready brek’. I’ve no idea how they get the fine floaty…

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