Tag Archives : healthy recipes

festive greetings

Wishing everyone festive fun, love & happiness

Season’s Greetings! Thank you all for your continued support, reading, commenting, liking and sharing my posts. I am hoping if you are celebrating Christmas that you already have your menu planned! Here a few suggestions if you are still pondering though! The main event! You could make your own plant based meat substitute or if nuts are more your thing,…

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veg soup

The Soup for a tasty, quick & easy energy boost!

Cream of Greens. Have you ever tasted a deliciously creamy soup and wished you could replicate it? I have discovered, that many people are too scared to make their own soup, and I myself recently witnessed a very poor attempt. However, once you have the know how, you will wonder why you ever bought all those tins, cartons and packets!…

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baked oats

Swap your daily porridge and fall in love with delicious Baked Oats

Oats. Rolled oats, porridge oats, steel cut oats, pinhead oats, whatever you call your oats, one thing is sure, they are good for you! Oats are traditionally seen as a carbohydrate, but they do contain a healthy amount of protein too! Oats also contain fibre called beta-glucan which helps you feel fuller, slows the rate of digestion and can also…

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red soup with yogurt and pumpkin seeds

Try this healthy warming carrot and lentil soup for #veganuary

Soup Weather, perfect for Veganuary For those of us in the UK, the weather is definitely cold enough to be classed as soup weather! I already have several soup recipes on here, but this recipe is a new one I have recently created and taken a liking to! The Soup Recipe This recipe has a base of carrots and red…

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seared lettuce with yogurt dressing and pomegranate

Lettuce can be more exciting than you think! Learn to love it!

Little Gems! I know it is January and it’s more soup, stew, casserole and pie weather, but we still need to get our vegetables in for those all important vitamins and minerals. Now, I would not usually recommend what I am going to, but this is too good not to do! Why lettuce though? There is a food sharing app…

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fail to plan logo

Happy New Year, Resolutions or not? and Veganuary

Goodbye 2021! At last 2021 has come to the end! For some it may have whizzed by like many another year, but if you sit and think of everything that has happened this year… you may find it has indeed stretched on for far too long! Those who know me will know the trials and tribulations that have come with…

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winter salad in white bowl

Give yourself a healthy boost with this seasonal warm winter salad

Warm Winter Salad There are so many seasonal recipes I could have posted, but I decided to go with a lighter healthier option and make a winter salad. I have used the Brussels sprout as the star of this dish and put different flavours together than I have before! These ingredients complement each other really well, and each brings its…

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baba ganoush

Try these aubergine recipes to find a new love

Aubergines or Eggplants It always amazes me when people confuse aubergines with courgettes! So many times I have been asked at the checkout ‘these are courgettes right?’ or even asked ‘what are these?’ So, let’s get this straight. Aubergines are most often black or purple, shiny skinned and usually a bit bulbous. When buying you should look for bright and…

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spiced muffins

5 delicious recipes you’ll love for Apple Day

Apple Day Today (Thursday 21 October 2021) is Apple Day in the UK! What is apple day? Founded in 1990, apple day was created to celebrate all things apples and orchards. In the UK, you will find many events celebrating this – often tied in with pumpkin activities too. Our local park has held an apple day for many years…

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