Tag Archives : nice cream

strawberry ice cream

Check out this combo of summer, strawberries and sunshine.

Ice-Cream! The sun is shining, the skies are clear, and the UK is basking in the glorious warmth of summer. With the delightful weather comes another seasonal joy: the abundance of fresh, juicy strawberries. There’s something incredibly uplifting about these vibrant red berries that perfectly complement the sunny days. Whether you’re picking them yourself, buying them from a local market,…

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ice cream in cones

Cool down with this easy 10 minute healthy ice cream

Healthy Ice-Cream Yes! You can most definitely have those two words – healthy, and ice-cream in the same sentence! You can even add in delicious if you wish! Of course, you can have regular ice-cream as part of a well balanced diet, but this recipe gives you a health boost too! The Ice-Cream Recipe The main ingredient of this ice-cream…

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Peanut Butter Swirl Ice Cream

It. Is. Hot! Like, baking hot! This is the U.K. It doesn’t do hot! At least, it didn’t! The last couple of days have been around 33c (91f) and that for us, when summer usually averages around 20c (68f) is very hot! Hence no cooking, just salads and ice-lollies this week! Oh and I so forgot how delicious this simple…

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Rhubarb & Ginger ice-cream VEGAN!

Rhubarb & Ginger ice-cream VEGAN! Is it still hot and sunny where you are? This is so refreshing, so tantalisingly tangy, so colourful, that it’s sure to transport you into the midst of summer! Why rhubarb? Well, that allotment of mine just loves producing rhubarb! 🙂 We’ve had rhubarb crumble, rhubarb and forest fruits crumble, and rhubarb and apple crumble so it…

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Put on Purple… served with ice-cream!

Put on Purple… served with ice-cream! I wasn’t intending to post today as I should really have ‘one’ rest day in my – “I’m having a rest week”! Never mind – maybe at the weekend I can get some rest! 😀 So, why am I posting and what’s all this about purple? Well, the month of May is Lupus month…

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Oh Yes! Chocolate Cherry Free From Raw Ice Cream!

Oh Yes! Chocolate Cherry Free From  Raw Ice Cream! Ooo… I bet you thought I wasn’t going to make it to post this week! 😛 🙂 Well here I am with an incredibly quick to make gorgeous bowl of raw frozen deliciousness (just for you Milica)! 🙂 It was abnormally hot in the UK this week and hot weather calls for…

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Choc n Nut Raspberry Sundae Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free. (DEGF)

Choc n Nut Raspberry Sundae Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free. (DEGF) Something different from what I was going to post today because the sun is shining and it looks like ice-cream weather! Plus, I got distracted from writing this and I’m now short of time… but I did sort out my recipe for tomorrows post along the way! 😛 🙂 So…

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