Vegan Soft Tacos and Travel…

Vegan Soft Tacos and Travel

Hooray! We are not in the cold UK anymore… we are in very hot and humid somewhere else! πŸ˜› I love it when it’s so warm hot! All my aches and pains melt away and I can move everything freely πŸ™‚ So it’s back to salad weather again for us! πŸ˜€ Except there doesn’t seem to be an abundance of it here and I was wondering what I was going to eat except for falafel and watermelon! Imagine my surprise and delight when I came across a take-away serving up such delicious vegan fare!

These are vegan soft tacos – made totally from rice flour so they’re gluten friendly too! πŸ˜€

There was also a hard taco option but the colour kind of put me off! I asked what the difference was between yellow and pink and I was told they taste the same, its just colour! Oh well.. at least the soft tacos are natural!

There was an array of bits and pieces you could add to the tacos which included meats and cheese, sour cream and hot spicy sauce or this wonderful vegan option. I am definitely making these when I get home! πŸ™‚ and I will post the recipe if I can master the same soft tacos.

Putting the finishing touches on the tacos... good job we went before the queue arrived!

Putting the finishing touches on the tacos… good job we went before the queue arrived!

I had mixed beans, marinated peppers, guacamole, coriander and onion.Β Plus, one serving is THREE tacos! That was one great find!

If I have time I’ll post some location photos… they’re all a bit of a giveaway though – unless I post some photos ofΒ sand! πŸ˜› Some clues! The time is 4 hours ahead of UK current time. It’s very hot (about 36 degrees today). The place I am is a relatively new city! There are LOADS of shopping malls! Where am I? πŸ™‚

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  • Elaine @ foodbod 30th October 2015 at 12:33

    I wonder…..?? πŸ˜‰

    • Life Diet Health 30th October 2015 at 16:33

      Lol πŸ™‚ I know you know! πŸ˜›
      and thanks for warning me about the heat! πŸ˜€ x

  • Delicious Peace of Mind 3rd November 2015 at 15:33

    Mmmm, they look yummy! You reminded me to try and make homemade tortillas with vegan cream cheese… Oh… I’m hungry now πŸ™‚

    • Life Diet Health 4th November 2015 at 18:55

      They were so yummy Milica πŸ™‚
      I’m definitely going to have a play with some ingredients to see if I can recreate the tortillas πŸ™‚ Have you added anything else back in to your diets yet?

  • Delicious Peace of Mind 6th November 2015 at 14:08

    With new foods are basically sticking with potatoes, regular and sweet, polenta and occasionally, corn pasta. We are still trying to be high raw, but low fat vegan, hence the added carbs πŸ™‚

    • Life Diet Health 9th November 2015 at 21:47

      Ooo polenta… does that mean you can have my chocolate breakfast polenta (sadza)! πŸ˜› Yumyum! I’ve been thinking up polenta recipes recently but too busy yet to try them out… soon! πŸ™‚

  • Sophie33 10th November 2015 at 08:57

    MMMMMMM! The food & tacos look just wonderful & very inviting too! x

    • Life Diet Health 10th November 2015 at 23:26

      Sooo good and so welcome when on holiday when you’re not sure what’s what! You like my photos? I did get some strange looks from the other diners lol! I so need to make these and post a recipe don’t you think!?

      • Sophie33 11th November 2015 at 09:43

        Ooh yes! x Have a nice day!

        • Life Diet Health 11th November 2015 at 09:47

          Thank you! You have a great day too Sophie πŸ™‚

  • Delicious Peace of Mind 10th November 2015 at 15:47

    Theoretically, we could. We love polenta, super easy and quick to make. And versatile, too! πŸ™‚

    • Life Diet Health 10th November 2015 at 23:30

      Weekend breakfast for you then Milica! Yumyum… chocolately warm and delicious! πŸ™‚ x


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