C = Chocolate!
Day three of the A-Z challenge and so near to Easter ‘C’ could only be for ‘chocolate’ ! 🙂 This was an experiment which has been meaning to happen for a long time and I am more than happy with how it turned out! I also made some delicious truffles but I’ll save those for another day! 🙂 This is the first time I’ve used cocoa butter and the smell (and the taste) of it melting is so wonderful I could have eaten it on its own! 😛 🙂 I have used creamed coconut in this recipe which I softened slightly in the microwave before adding. You can make these chocolates into anything you want them to be – plain, nutty, fruity, salty, spicy. I used whole hemp seeds with cinnamon; linseeds with nutmeg; pecans; coconut, and rosemary & pink Himalayan salt. All very tasty in their own right! What’s your favourite?
- 20g cocoa butter
- 20g cacao powder
- 10g agave
- 20g creamed coconut
- Toppings of choice. e.g. coconut, nuts, raisins, seeds
- Melt the cocoa butter on a low heat.© Life Diet Health 2015
- Stir in the cacao powder.© Life Diet Health 2015
- Add the agave, then gently stir in the creamed coconut until smooth and glossy.© Life Diet Health 2015
- For plain chocolates, pour into chocolate moulds or spread onto greaseproof paper.
- For flavoured chocolates put the topping in the chocolate mould first© Life Diet Health 2015© Life Diet Health 2015
before filling with chocolate. Sprinkle the topping over the chocolate on the greaseproof paper.
© Life Diet Health 2015© Life Diet Health 2015 - Put in the fridge until set (10-15 minutes).
- Remove from the moulds.
- Enjoy!
Serve & Store
- It is ideal to store these in the fridge although room temperature works also.
- Serve as after dinner chocolates.
- Sneak one (or two) when nobody is looking! 😛