Browsing Category : Breakfasts


Even vegans can love burns night.

What is Burns Night? Burns Night is a traditional Scottish holiday that celebrates the life and poetry of Robert Burns, the country’s national poet. If you’re following a vegan lifestyle, or partaking in Veganuary, you may be wondering how to celebrate this holiday without eating any animal products. There are always alternatives of course and there are plenty of delicious…

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Focus and make time for all delicious things Seasonal!

Pumpkins! Green pumpkins! White pumpkins! Yellow pumpkins! Stripy pumpkins! Okay, and orange pumpkins! Firstly, if you have a pumpkin field, farm or farm shop near you. Go and have a look! There are so many different varieties of pumpkin, each with their own unique flavour profile. Some pumpkins (aka squash) taste like courgette, some like marrow (there’s other things I…

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Love your jam and easily make delicious variations too

Jam. When I think of jam, I think of strawberry jam spread on toast, or raspberry jam tarts, neither of which I have ever enjoyed! Growing up, we were more a Marmite on toast family, with a giant jar always in the cupboard. Or, we had cheese on toast, or beans on toast. I think jam in our house was…

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chia pudding

Make a quick & tasty healthy snack with chia.

Chia Seeds. If you are in the UK, you may recall chia seeds as quite a recent product. When I showed one of my friends them however, she remembered having them daily in her home country about 30 years ago! Chia seeds were until recently, always imported, but now they have been grown successfully in the UK. What do I…

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hot cross buns

Three different ways to get your delicious hot cross bun flavour

Hot Cross Buns. The aroma of a traditional hot cross bun is something which is easy to recognise and instantly makes you think of Easter. When I was growing up, I remember my best friends Mum making Hot Cross Buns and we would wait patiently for the fruity spiced buns to be ready. Of course, I always wondered why she…

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baked oats

Swap your daily porridge and fall in love with delicious Baked Oats

Oats. Rolled oats, porridge oats, steel cut oats, pinhead oats, whatever you call your oats, one thing is sure, they are good for you! Oats are traditionally seen as a carbohydrate, but they do contain a healthy amount of protein too! Oats also contain fibre called beta-glucan which helps you feel fuller, slows the rate of digestion and can also…

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sliced bread on a navy plate

Use yer loaf and make this delicious simple bread

Oat Loaf I’m having a bit of a giggle to myself as I write this as my late Dad always used to say ‘use yer loaf’! Maybe it was because anything that needed fixing or building came so easily to him; or maybe I was just a bit slow responding to his requests of “butt the 2-by-2 up to the…

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overnight oats with blackberries

Back to Basics: Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats Quite some time ago, I started a Back to Basics section on here for foods which I am so used to making that I sometimes forget that others might not know where to start! In the winter I love my porridge, but now the weather is sunny, and although I love pancakes, sometimes you just need something quick…

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naan bread

Naan Bread

I am a bread fiend! I love bread! Any type of bread! White bread, granary bread, thick bread, thin bread, toasted bread, crispy bread and naan bread. I created this recipe a while ago, and thought I would share it today – rather than not share a recipe at all! I have been busy and I almost… I said ‘almost’…

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