Browsing Category : Health


The Secret Lives of those you love.

Uncovering the Impact of Hidden Truths Today, we are looking at the ‘Life’ and ‘Health’ parts of Life Diet Health! Of course there will be a recipe or two thrown in, but what I really want you to do, is focus on yourself and those around you. In our daily lives, we often navigate a maze of social interactions, building…

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Love these ideas to enjoy time to rest, recharge and rejuvenate.

Hello! I hope you’ve all had the most fabulous week! I had a sneaky little extended weekend break as it was a Bank Holiday here. So I went to discover the delights of Derbyshire and Yorkshire! This whole year has been one of ‘things to create memories’ as I may be approaching a significant milestone birthday! What an exciting break…

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Transform your life and control pain with simple dietary changes.

Change Your Diet to Manage Your Pain Have you ever considered that what’s on your plate might be the mastermind behind your pain? Yes, your daily dinners could be secretly doubling as a ninja, fighting inflammation and pain one bite at a time – or it could be sneakily working against you. Here’s how to turn your meals into partners…

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Find the perfect life balance whilst living in the moment.

Embrace Life! As several of my friends are approaching and celebrating milestone birthdays, it prompted me to pause and take stock of life, accomplishments, and the things that truly matter. While the hustle and bustle of daily life can easily consume us with tasks and responsibilities, it’s crucial to remember the importance of slowing down and cherishing life’s simple pleasures.…

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green eyes

Happy Eye Health with good habits and trendy shades.

How’s your vision? Though vision is crucial to our daily lives, eye health is often ignored—even if it noticeably starts to worsen. In fact, four in ten Brits do just that, believing their vision is ‘good enough to get by.’ Another 62% don’t get eye issues checked if it’s possible they’ll require surgery. As a result of waiting for these problems to…

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Keeping the inside healthy to make the outside happy.

Nutrition & Hydration Week! There are several things we could have talked about today, but when I discovered that the coming week (11th March to 17th March 2024) is dedicated to nutrition and hydration, I realised this was a great opportunity to join in. Traditionally, this week is designed for health & social care settings, but we can still educate…

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Reflections of the year that was 2023!

Looking back over the last 12 months! As we near the end of the year 2023, it is a great time to look back and see everything you have achieved. I am sure many of you will think of all the things you wish you had done, looking at your bucket list and rewriting it for next year! However, let’s…

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plant based

Can I challenge you to add more nutrients & delicious…

Tempted by a Challenge? This morning I joined a discussion about adding more plant based foods into the diet and the #eat30 challenge was mentioned. Before you get in a panic and think I am going to suggest you eat 30 different portions of fruit and vegetables in a day, haha (could you?) let me explain. This challenge is not…

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ginger and lemon

Boost your health with these simple to make natural shots

Winter is here. December is here and as well as all the seasonal foods, decorations and activities, it also brings the colds, coughs and flu. This year, keep yourself and your loved ones healthy and well by looking ahead. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure and these health shots give a great natural boost to your immune…

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