Browsing Category : life

Life Diet Health. . . have a quick check up!

Life Diet Health Something a bit different today! Although I love cooking and experimenting with new recipes, the initial idea of my blog was supposed to be offering advice on Life, Diet and Health! At this time of the year, especially in the UK many individuals have a post seasonal slump; people suffer mood changes because of the inclement weather; lethargy and fatigue set…

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Happy Weekend Everyone! Sizzling Tofu Recipe to follow!

It’s Saturday morning, the start of the weekend, to blog or not to blog? I’m VERY excited because (as you’ve probably noticed) I’ve been snapping recipe shots with my Smartphone and well, basically, they’re not very smart! Fortunately for me, my husband agreed to trial some snaps for me last night and (not that I’m biased) I have some mouth-watering…

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New Year… New Blog!!!

Hello all and welcome! Please bear with me whilst I get my head around this ‘blog’ thing! My husband always laughs at me as I have an IT Level 2 qualification but it appears ‘blogging’ (amongst other things!) was not one of the topics covered! Hopefully, you have found this blog by searching ‘Life’ or ‘Diet’ or ‘Health’ or even…

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