Browsing Category : Others

Exciting Stuff! Banana Blossom Flower Fish!

Yes! Banana blossom flowers are a thing! πŸ˜€ Banana blossom is the blossom from a banana tree! πŸ˜› I guess you didn’t see that coming! πŸ˜› On a banana tree, there is a deep purple pod, and I believe the male pods would not turn into bananas if left, so you’re not harming the fruit production of the tree if…

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Need Vegan Umami? Wow with this easy Stew

No, it’s not meat! πŸ˜› I almost didn’t post it as it looked too meaty, but it was so easy and tasted so good that I couldn’t not share it with you! You know sometimes you can’t be bothered to cook and wish you could just throw it all in a pot and hey presto, a delicious meal comes out?…

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Vegan Cannelloni

Pasta tubes with a soft creamy centre flecked with spinach and slathered in a rich tomato sauce (with hidden veg)! Perfect! πŸ˜€ This week it has suddenly been very cold here! Definitely stay in the house and bake tasty food weather! πŸ˜› Or is that just me! πŸ˜€ We’ve had soups, chickpeas and then this delicious hearty filling pasta dish!…

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Dolma, literally means stuffed! We tend to use the word ‘dolma’ to describe vine leaves which have been stuffed, but traditionally these are actually called ‘sarma’. Anyway, I’m sticking with ‘dolma’ as that is the name we usually use! Then again, maybe we do use it for stuffed veg too as we have this dolma recipe on the blog already!…

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Mediterranean Salad

Mediterranean Salad A salad recipe? Really? Yes, because I know you think salad is boring! πŸ˜› At Life Diet Health we see salad as a plate full of lots of delicious bits, all brought together and suitable as a main or a side. Usually a salad will contain some raw vegetables and often something cooked and served warm. This salad…

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buddha bowl

Summer is on the way… !

Summer is on the way… ! If you are in the UK… isn’t it a glorious day!? It certainly feels like Summer here! (20c / 68f)Β So, out are the hot soups, theΒ curries and the chili and instead let’s have salads! No, not a bit of lettuce and tomato, a proper salad! or even how about a delicious Buddha bowl? I…

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Sexy Summer Salad

Sexy Summer Salad See… something named after you at last! πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ Ahhh… Summer! πŸ˜€ The longest day of the year has been and gone which means nights are drawing in already! WHAT… noooo!!! Well, the sun may have hidden behind the clouds today this week but that doesn’t mean we can’t have salad! Especially salad as good as this…

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buddha bowl

Back to Basics: Buddha Bowl

Back to Basics: Buddha Bowl Buddha Bowl? What’s that!? Well, I just realised that it’s been a long time since I posted anything new in Back to Basics! The weather has suddenly changed and the garden is springing into life! πŸ˜€ My spinach and chard are starting to grow and the mixed leaves are poking through the soil. There’s some…

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Not your average sushi…

Not your average sushi… Being a vegetarian since the late 1980’s, sushi was one thing which I was never really aware of. I’m not sure how much raw fish would have appealed to me anyway but bundles of colourful flavoursome vegetables all wrappedΒ together tightly for a burst of flavour… yes please! πŸ™‚ I’m not a great fan of rice (apart…

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