Browsing Category : Others

Vegan Taco Jackfruit

Vegan Taco Jackfruit Okay! I’m sorry! It’s Tuesday again! What an unbelievable week I’ve had! You can never tell what each day can bring and I was certainly most unprepared for what happened this week! and… then my laptop wouldn’t turn on! ๐Ÿ™ So, as I said last week – I will “try” to post again this week and then…

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Pies! Vegan & Gluten Free Pies!

Pies! Vegan & Gluten Free Pies! I know… I’m posting on a Tuesday again (instead of Wednesday) but you see ever since I started my blog I’ve posted AT LEAST once a week! So, because I posted pancakes last week for Pancake Day on Tuesday, that means I need to post again today! I’m going to make this an interim…

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What do Vegetarians eat on Burns Night? Haggis? Ay they do!

What do Vegetarians eat on Burns Night? Haggis? Ay they do! Burns Night? What even is that? Well, if you are Scottish, then today, 25th January you would more than likely be celebrating “Burns Night”. Robert Burns (1759-1796)ย is the National Poet (Bard) of Scotland and his life and work is celebrated annually on this day (along with other things Scottish).…

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Pumpkin Loaf! Gluten-Free & Vegan!

Pumpkin Loaf! Gluten-Free & Vegan! Well, this wasn’t a planned recipe at all! I was making pumpkin pie and couldn’t decide on savoury or sweet, so divided my mix to make one of each! Hubby askedย if my cake (I guess the batter all alone in a dish looked like cake mix) was ready to go in the oven and suddenly…

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spanokopita pies

Picnic Pies! Spanakopita -Vegan & Gluten Free

Picnic Pies! Spanakopita- Vegan & Gluten Free Summer time! ๐Ÿ˜€ Well, the UK has amazingly been getting a whole load of sunshine! ๐Ÿ˜€ Woohoo! ๐Ÿ˜€ Lazy days out, barbecues and picnics are what’s on the agenda! ๐Ÿ˜€ Look at this delicious picnic plate from the weekend – full of delicious tortilla chips, sprouted seeds, salad, houmous and olives. YUM! Today…

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Tropical Rice Salad

Tropical Rice Saladย  . Hello everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚ Well, what a busy weekend I had! If you read my last post ‘zingy marbled cheesecake’ then you’ll know that I was co-hosting the weekly Fiesta Friday blog party! ๐Ÿ™‚ Usually if I am looking at recipes they are foods which mostly meet my health needs i.e. dairy free, gluten free and refined…

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Mexican Nacho Feast… 3 recipes!

Mexican Nacho Feast… 3 recipes! What a delicious feast I have for you today! ๐Ÿ˜€ Fantastic for an easy lunch, great for picky eaters as they can build their own and of course everything is vegan and gluten free! ๐Ÿ˜€ I have three recipes for you today as this dish has three main components! First of all the spicy Mexican…

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Kurdish Shifta. . . vegan and free-from

Shifta. . . vegan and free-from Shifta, not to be confused with Shifti (watermelon) is a traditionally Kurdish home cooked (and deep fried)ย food. Not often found in restaurants or as street-food, shifta are something you may not have come across – unless you are Kurdish, have Kurdish friends or Kurdish family! ๐Ÿ˜€ These little fritters are normally made from diced…

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Mixed Mezes… #Vegan and Free From

Mixed Mezes… Vegan and Free From Another very busy week with lots going on before half term starts (hooray ๐Ÿ™‚ a week without early mornings!) ๐Ÿ™‚ Something a little different today because people are getting ready for Halloween parties! Whilst not your traditional meringue ghosts and ghouls, witches fingers and pumpkin biscuits, these mezes are sure to go down a…

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