buddha bowl

Summer is on the way… !

Summer is on the way… !

If you are in the UK… isn’t it a glorious day!? It certainly feels like Summer here! (20c / 68f) So, out are the hot soups, the curries and the chili and instead let’s have salads! No, not a bit of lettuce and tomato, a proper salad! or even how about a delicious Buddha bowl?

buddha bowl (3)

Food or flowers… which did you see first?

I think we should create a new name for “salads” as they don’t really portray a substantial and tasty meal! Any suggestions?

I personally think the basis of a good salad is a grain – like rice, or quinoa, with a good measure of chopped fresh vegetables, possibly another protein such as tofu, chickpeas or cheese or chicken (if that’s your thing)! and a drizzle of a delicious sauce, oh and don’t forget the sprinkling of something – be it herbs, seeds or a dressing!

Lets have a look…

Sexy Summer Salad (definitely a very popular salad)

Sizzling Shiraz Salad (One of my favourites)

Tropical Rice Salad (perfect for a barbecue)

Greek Salad (dairy free and Vegan feta included!)

Tri-colour Quinoa Salad (easy option for a work lunch)


What’s in your favourite salad? Or does anything go if it’s slathered in your favourite dressing? I think anything tastes better with a side of houmous! or a drizzle of tahini yogurt dressing!

houmous WM

Dressed up houmous with pitta strips



  • mistimaan 18th April 2018 at 17:51

    Nice post

  • Eva 20th April 2018 at 15:24

    Hi Laurena, what’s this heatwave all about in April?? I was looking forward to some cooler weather lol, I guess it will come very soon?My sister’s just come back from Cyprus where it was about the same temperature as here, madness. Anyway, I had a lovely late salad lunch at another cafe with wifi, of course?Hope you’re well and enjoying this pleasant weather x

    • Life Diet Health 20th April 2018 at 15:30

      Eva 🙂 Hello! Oh it’s lovely! Enjoy it while it lasts… which probably won’t be long! 😛 I’ve been getting the garden furniture ready for our first barbecue of the year this evening! Wondering what to make… burgers, sausages, tofu kebabs?

      • Eva 20th April 2018 at 15:41

        Enjoy the BBQ (or B&Q as my mother-in-law says lol)?

        • Life Diet Health 20th April 2018 at 16:14

          Lol… that’s funny! 😛 Have a great weekend x


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