Browsing Category : snacks

sharing platter

Easy idea for a perfect festive season

Keep it simple! Tomorrow sees the start of December (2023) which for many brings with it lots of stress! Well, here is one idea to help you create a perfect quick and easy platter sure to please everyone. Now, the idea here is to keep it simple, so I would suggest just pulling everything suitable out of your fridge, grabbing…

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sausage rolls

An easy veggie twist on the traditional sausage roll

#GBBO Party Week If you are watching the Great British Bake Off (#GBBO) you will know that this week was party food week. There is so much choice for party foods, but pastries always seem to make an appearance! Now, I am a bit fussy when it comes to pastry, and much prefer the filling, even if it’s a crispy,…

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assorted pumpkins

Get ready for a tasty waste free pumpkin season!

October! This time of year is becoming much more popular in the UK and already I have driven past several fields full of orange, white, green, yellow and stripy pumpkins and squashes of varying shapes and sizes! Hopefully, the days of carving an orange pumpkin, then discarding it are behind us all and you are a bit more #FoodSavvy with…

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poached pear

Love this quick & easy in season healthy dessert

Poached Pears! I am surprised! I am funny with pears! I am a bit of a pear snob, only electing to eat one particular variety and only if they are almost rock solid! Why then, would I even try this recipe? Well, there are only so many pears you can eat raw and I just thought I would have an…

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beignets or sfenj with icing sugar on a wire rack

Dessert they’ll love you to add to your staples!

Sfenj! Whatever goes in in the world, people still manage to carry on and just get on with things! This week a recipe was shared with me for these Moroccan pastries. Whilst a literal translation is likely to bring up ‘donuts’, or indeed ‘sponge’ these are basically rings of unsweetened fried dough. As you may know, I prefer my foods…

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Greek salad in a dish

Easily make tasty tofu and never run out again!

Tastier & Easier than you think! I know tofu is a bit like marmite, but once you’ve discovered how easy this is to make and how tasty it can be, you will thank me! You might be thinking that my easy, and your easy are very different things, but this really is much simpler than you would expect! Of course,…

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fig tart

You will absolutely love this dessert!

Fresh fig tart! What do you get if you have a load of figs and a spare roll of puff pastry? You get the most delicious dessert ever! Okay, so fresh figs off the tree are one of the most delicious desserts and yes, do eat them like that too but make this dessert and wow! Just wow! This dessert…

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ice lollies and palm trees

Summer fun with easy to make lollies.

Coconut & chocolate lollies. What says summer more than ice cold lollies? If you’re in the UK, you’ll be well aware that sunny summer days are very few and far between, so we have to make the most of them before they slip away! With just a handful of simple ingredients, you can easily create these delicious lollies to capture…

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apple turnovers

Something easy & tasty for your weekend

Apple Turnovers! If you are the more experienced side of forty years old, you may remember that choice in supermarkets used to be very limited. Independent shops were everywhere and you visited the greengrocer, the butchers and the bakers to get your vegetables, meat and pastries. Of course, you can still do that today and I would definitely encourage supporting…

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