Are you getting all festive? Snowballs have to be made at this time of year don’t you think? Whether or not you have snow, these delicious chocolate coconutty bites just need to be made… and devoured! 😀
These also make great gifts and can be boxed or bagged, with pretty ribbons or raffia, a homemade gift-tag or even a tree decoration. Making something yourself shows thoughtfulness, care and of course eco-friendliness with less of the plastic packaging! 😀
I’ve made quite a few of these this week and there is an easy way and a difficult way! I chose the hard way making everything from scratch, but just to make sure you make these, I’m going to share the easy way with you! 🙂
The ingredients are easy, your favourite plain flavoured chocolate – be that dark, milk, dairy free or even white (if you want white snowballs)! Dried coconut – any shape is fine, chips, flakes, desiccated and depending on what you prefer, you can use plain, toasted, sweetened or unsweetened. You also need a powdered sweetener – white sugar, brown sugar, coconut sugar, stevia or anything else you choose. Lastly, you need a bit of coconut oil. No choice here, you need the coconut oil as it solidifies and has a flavour which blends with the overall finish!
The quantities you need will vary depending on your preferences, but as a rough guide if you have 150g coconut, you will need 10g coconut oil, half a tablespoon powdered sugar (depending on the sweetness of your coconut & your chocolate) and 200g chocolate. In a high speed blender or food processor, blitz the coconut until it is fine strands (desiccated), measure out and set aside 50g for rolling later. Add the oil and sweetener to the processor and pulse until combined. Melt half of the chocolate (use a microwave or bain marie method) and add this to the coconut mix. Blend until well combined. Roll into balls (20-25g work well) and place on greaseproof paper/silpat. Melt the remaining chocolate and roll each ball first in the chocolate (use a fork and let any excess drip off), then the coconut, then set back on your paper. Repeat until you have a lovely set of snowballs! 😀 Yumyum! They shouldn’t need refrigerating (unless your house is boiling hot)! Enjoy!
I’m guessing the children made them (as it’s in a school)
Send us your photos when you’ve made these snowballs! 🙂 If you’re sharing them on social media use the #LifeDietHealth and tag us @LifeDietHealth We love to see what you do with our recipes, so please share! 🙂
Have a fabulous weekend, stay warm, munch some chocolate and drop us a line below to say hi! 🙂 Speak soon
Laurena x
ps: Make sure you’re following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and check out our boards and see what we’re liking on Pinterest too! Thank you! ?
I’m sending these over to Angle at Fiesta Friday… no co-hosts this week but if you want to volunteer another week you’ll be more than welcome! 🙂