Need an Energy Boost? – Make this Veg Soup

Hands up if you have eaten your weight in chocolate, cake or biscuits recently?! βœ‹ Me! πŸ˜› But how could I resist this lovely vegan carrot cake which arrived in the post! Yes! In the post! πŸ˜€ 


I ate over HALF of it! (no… not in one sitting)! Then there were the pretzels and the shortbread, and the pizzas… that’s enough for a month at least! πŸ˜› 


So I thought it was time for something healthier to get back on track, to get rid of the sluggishness from all the sugar, and to re-energise! Here is a very simple soup, packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, as easy to make as chopping up veg, and of course, tasty as well! πŸ˜€ This soup makes the perfect detox soup – especially if you’re not into juices and you can eat as much of this as you like – completely guilt free! Hooray! It is completely #slimmingworld friendly (no syns) and will fill you up without filling you out! Hooray! 

vegetable soup photo


If you’ve never cooked onions without oil before, it is really easy and you can still get a great taste by following a simple method! You can add any vegetables you have on hand to this soup, but it is ideal to at least have the base of onion, celery and leek, and carrots too! You can fill up on this soup for lunch, or for dinner, or, you could even grab a ladle-full of the veg, add some spices and use it to top a jacket potato… like this!




Yummy! I would be tempted to keep a great big pan of this in the fridge so you can have a bowl whenever hunger strikes! I’ve added a handful of fresh coriander to change the taste, but I’ve also eaten it with red chilli flakes and a load of ground black pepper just to make it different! If you need to eat your soup with something, check out these homemade bread rolls (just try to only eat one or two if you’re watching the calories)! Let’s check out the soup recipe!


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Vegetable Soup

A flavoursome vegetable soup suitable for syn free at slimming world!

Created by:: Laurena @LifeDietHealth
  • 2 medium onions finely sliced
  • 2 sticks celery chopped
  • 1/2 medium leek halved & sliced
  • 1 packet passata
  • 2-3 litres water
  • 1/2 medium courgette quartered & sliced
  • 1/4 small cabbage finely shredded
  • 2 large handfuls round green beans chopped
  • 1/2 medium yellow pepper chopped
  • 2 medium carrots shaved
  • 2 teaspoons paprika
  • 2 teaspoons basil
  • 2 teaspoons oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic granules
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • salt to taste
  1. In a large saucepan, dry fry the onions until they start sticking to the pan, then add a splash of water. Repeat a couple of times until the onions are starting to change colour.

  2. Add the celery and leek and allow to cook until slightly browning, adding more water if necessary.

  3. Stir the passata in, then add the water, cover and allow to cook on a medium heat for ten minutes.

  4. Carefully add the courgette, cabbage and green beans, cover and cook for a further five minutes.

  5. The rest of the ingredients can now be added – yellow pepper, carrots, paprika,  basil, oregano, garlic, black pepper and salt. Mix everything together, cover and cook on a low heat for a final ten minutes. 

  6. Check the thickness of the soup is as desired (add a bit more water if you want it thinner, cook for a bit longer if you want it thicker). Check seasoning and adjust if necessary.

  7. Enjoy!

Tips & Storage
  • Add any vegetables you have on hand – try different coloured peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, sweetcorn.
  • For a thicker textured soup, grate the carrot and or/courgette.
  • If you like spice, add some chilli flakes or hot chilli powder.
  • Store refrigerated for up to five days.

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If you’re new to cooking, or plant based cooking and need some kitchen inspiration or you’re after some ingredients, have a look here!

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I’m going to share this vegetable soup over at this weeks Fiesta Friday πŸ™‚ Please come on over and join us – you’ll find lots of lovely recipes, tips and new friends! This week the party is co-hosted by the wonderful
Mollie @ Frugal HausfrauΒ  and by Angie herself!

Oh, and of course, if you make this soup (or any of our other recipes), please post your photos using #LifeDietHealth or @LifeDietHealth so we can see your creations! πŸ™‚ We love to see your interpretations of our recipes! If you haven’t already, make sure you’re following us everywhere so you never miss a thing! πŸ˜€ You can subscribe here (see link to right)! to receive our recipes each week, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, (you can chat with us here too)! and see what we’re liking on Pinterest! Thankyou! πŸ˜€

Speak soon, Have a great week.

Laurena x



  • Eva 22nd February 2019 at 18:47

    Oh dear, tell me about it: I may or may not have eaten a large Rittersport chocolate bar that tastes very similar to Galaxy?Not Slimmingworld friendly either haha. Speaking of which, thanks for giving syn values, you don’t often come across vegan options. I went through a phase of cooking without oil when I was following the Starch Solution plan which did work well for a while but I missed that ‘onions cooked in oil’ smell lol. The soup is a great idea, as usual: I’m reminded of a Nigella ‘Temple soup’ which is supposed to be a detox sort of soup too. Have a nice weekend?

    • Laurena@LifeDietHealth 22nd February 2019 at 19:30

      Ooo, rittersport! What colour? πŸ˜› My little sister lost 5 stone on slimming world and I have a few friends following it too, so I’m trying to be a bit helpful! πŸ˜€ Oh yes, the starch solution plan – I read that when you said last time as it was one not covered in my nutrition courses! So many different diets out there now it’s a wonder people know what they’re doing! You could try fry-light for that cooked in oil smell? They do a coconut oil version now too. Have a great weekend… allotment weather forecast! πŸ˜€ x

  • Eva 22nd February 2019 at 21:19

    It’s the light blue one? I don’t really want to use something like Frylight to be honest, I think I’ll just use a teaspoon of olive/ coconut oil instead- it’s true some recipes overdo it (2 tbsp oil to cook off a veggie base is a bit much). Yes, all these different diets can do your head in after a while! Well done to your baby sister, by the way- what an achievement. Have a productive time at the allotment?x

    • Laurena@LifeDietHealth 23rd February 2019 at 12:05

      You know they made a couple of vegan varieties a few years back? Only available in Germany though! πŸ˜› We don’t have fry-light either and I do try to use stock or water instead of oil! Thanks – Dad would have been so proud of her! Right.. all admin sorted so it’s allotment time again (9 degrees and sunny)! Enjoy the weekend. πŸ˜€ x

  • The Girl Next Door 25th February 2019 at 17:21

    Oooh, the soup looks delish! I’m a vegetarian, and looking out for simple vegetarian dishes all the time. I’ll surely be trying this out.

    I’m not sure what courgettes and passata are, though. I need to figure out what to substitute those with.

    • Laurena@LifeDietHealth 26th February 2019 at 09:05

      Hello, thank you. The subs are easy – courgettes are zucchini but any squash will do, passata is like thick tomato juice – so tinned tomatoes in the blender would work too (or very well cooked de-skinned fresh tomatoes blended). Hope you love it as much as we do… all my recipes are vegetarian so hopefully you can find some other yummy foods to try too! πŸ™‚

  • frugal hausfrau 27th February 2019 at 06:16

    Yum!! This is right up my alley. Well,for one it’s soup, but it all sounds so good and delish on topof it! Perfect! Thanks for linking up to us at Fiesta Friday!


    • Laurena@LifeDietHealth 27th February 2019 at 10:19

      Thanks Mollie πŸ˜€ It’s frosty here this morning so it feels like soup weather again! Although this afternoon it’s expected to be 16c (60f)! Thanks for co-hosting again! πŸ˜€ x

  • Angie | Fiesta Friday 1st March 2019 at 03:57

    Vegetable soup sounds good, Laurena! Can’t wait to start digging in my garden and grow my own veggies! I bought lots of seeds! Your pretzels look adorable!

    • Laurena@LifeDietHealth 1st March 2019 at 08:27

      Thanks Angie πŸ™‚ Oh, your pretzels! πŸ˜› Thanks! Anything different you are going to grow this year? We’re going to focus more on tomatoes – last year we had so many varieties from cherry to beef, yellow to black and didn’t have enough time to look after them – this year we’ll take more care! πŸ™‚ Also going to try and grow more pumpkin and squash as we always start too late!


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