Life Diet Health

Pumpkin Recipes

Pumpkin Recipes

Autumn brings a whole range of different foods into our lives and pumpkin and squash is one which is certainly overlooked by many!

Pumpkin is such a versatile ingredient and can be used for both sweet and savoury recipes. There are so many different types of pumpkin and squash that unless you’ve tried more than one, it is difficult to say ‘I don’t like it!’

I really love pumpkin and squash, but I tried this…

and it was horrible! Like really horrible!!! Watery, bland, tasteless and my first thought was to put it straight in the compost bin! However, as you may know, I hate Food Waste and therefore I needed to find a solution to make this tastier! Everything can be made tastier with a few select ingredients! Look what I made this into:

Just by adding flour, then a range of toppings, this Tromboncino squash was transformed into something so very delicious! If you think of eating a spoonful of coffee granules off the spoon, or adding hot water and drinking a cup of coffee… that’s the difference! (or a teabag and a cup of tea if you’re not a coffee fan)! You can find this simple recipe for pumpkin gnocchi here.

More pumpkin recipes

I do actually have several pumpkin recipes on my website already, but I have just created two more which I will share very soon! One recipe is so very clever (even if I do say so myself), the other just needs a bit of tweaking before it is perfect! In the meantime, have a look at this which is more a collection of ideas but it is oh so very tasty!

Pumpkin ring dessert

Roast some thin pumpkin or squash rings with a sprinkle of nutmeg on a medium heat until soft. Fill with natural yogurt or vanilla ice-cream. Lightly toast pistachios, pumpkin seeds and raisins with mixed spice and sprinkle over. Add more pumpkin in thin strips (or small cubes) to decorate. Drizzle with maple syrup if you wish!

Ideas for Pumpkin Season?

Do you carve a pumpkin (or two) for Halloween and put lights inside to give that eerie glow? Are you a master carver, creating spooky scenes with your squash? Of course, there are loads of other seasonal decorations, such as mini gourds, Autumn wreaths and pumpkin candles. If you are buying products for Halloween, please consider the plastic you are buying! Have a look at these alternative ideas! I receive a small commission if you click and purchase through a link (this is at no additional cost to you)!



This weekend I am co-hosting Fiesta Friday. I am certain there will be loads of Seasonal ideas using Autumn produce, and of course lots of Halloween recipes! Come over and join us, have a look around, say hello and if you have something to share, link to Angie and myself in the post!

Share your photos for Pumpkin Ring Dessert using the #LifeDietHealth or tag @LifeDietHealth on Instagram,  PinterestFacebook  or Twitter. Now you have the idea… how are you serving yours?

That’s all for now… I’ll be back soon!

Have a fabulous weekend

Laurena x

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