banana bites

Quick & easy 5 minute banana recipe.

Too many ripe bananas!

How has your week been? If you’re in the UK you may have noticed the weather is having trouble making its mind up this week! One minute it’s sunbathing weather, then next the wind is howling, thunder is rumbling and the rain is pouring down! So, I’m so happy that ‘No Mow May’ has finally ended – my neighbours thought I was away as the front grass was seemingly growing day by day into a wild jungle! Which leads me onto the bananas! They seem to be on their own unpredictable journey! One minute they’re perfectly ripe, and the next, they’re turning brown faster than you can say “umbrella.” But don’t worry, I’ve created a fabulous solution for your bananas!

banana bites
Quick & Easy banana bites

Food Waste

Did you know that in the UK, a staggering 1.4 million bananas are thrown away every day? That’s not just a load of old rubbish—it’s a waste of perfectly good food and money. But with our simple and scrumptious recipe, you can help reduce this waste. These tasty cereal bar bites are packed with wholesome ingredients like oats, peanut butter, and a cheeky touch of chocolate (if you’re feeling indulgent). They’re the perfect snack to grab on the go or enjoy with a cuppa. So, let’s beat the waste and turn those brown bananas into something brilliant!

banana bites
Easily customisable banana bites

More banana ideas

Did you know that banana skins make amazing plant food? Rich in nutrients, they can be chopped up and buried in your garden soil or you can soak the peels in water to create a nourishing fertilizer for your plants. If you think this banana bites recipe looks a bit too healthy for your taste, why not try my banana bread, banana panna cotta, or nice cream? These banana recipes are perfect for using up those ripe bananas and helping reduce food waste.

The Banana Bites Recipe

I have tried to make this a very simple recipe for you with minimal ingredients that you likely already have! Of course, we are using up those browning bananas and we’re pairing it with some nut butter – peanut if you have some, or almond, hazelnut or even a seed butter would work too (I’m yet to try it with tahini but that could work too)! You then need some plain flour, a bit of salt and baking powder and some oats. I added some chocolate shreds but it would work great without, or maybe a few raisins or nuts instead.

Banana Bites

A great way to use up those over-ripe bananas.

Course: Snack, snacks
Created by:: Laurena @LifeDietHealth
  • 200 g (approx 2) ripe bananas (the riper the better)
  • 50 g peanut butter (or other nut butter)
  • 150 g plain flour (sieved)
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 75 g oats
  • 25 g chocolate flakes, drops or chips (optional)
  1. Peel the bananas, place in a bowl and mash very well with a fork until you have a smooth runny mixture.

  2. Add the peanut butter in (it's okay of its quite solid to start) and stir well until combined.

  3. Sieve the flour in and mix in until you start to get a dough like mixture. Add the baking powder and the salt.

  4. Tip your oats in and make sure everything is well combined.

  5. If using, add your chocolate, mix in.

  6. Drop spoonful's (you can shape using 2 spoons if you wish) onto a baking tray (they should hold their shape).

  7. Bake at Gas Mark 5 (375f / 190c) for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.

  8. Enjoy!

What do I need?

Hopefully you have everything you need to make this simple recipe. However, if you’re after a few new things, need ingredients, or are after presents, you can search here for items such as stainless steel mixing bowls, peanut butter, chocolate chips, sieves, baking trays, and other items which you might need.


Serve your banana bites just as they are, with a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate etc., or a nice cold milkshake. You could drizzle with chocolate (or coat them completely), top them with nuts or serve them with extra peanut butter for dipping.

banana bites
Plate full of banana bites


These will store for a few days either just on the worktop covered or in an airtight container. As they are so quick and simple to make (& they get eaten quickly), I have not tested freezing them yet.


Tell me what you usually do with your ripening bananas… unless of course you throw them away then please keep that to yourself and make a note to make these instead!

As always, I love hearing about any recipes of mine you try, any ideas you adapt or suggestions you have for future recipes. Please share and tag me @LifeDietHealth or using #LifeDietHealth on InstagramPinterest,  Facebook or X.

Leave me a comment below… I love to chat!

I hope to speak with you soon

Laurena x

banana bites
Soft & fluffy inside of banana bites


  • evagallon 6th June 2024 at 17:49

    Hi Laurena, I’ve been making a variation of these for years (do you remember the Vegan Corner YT channel?)- I got the idea from that…ahh, back in the day lol. They used dark choc chips but I tend to use raisins instead (or cacao nibs if I’m feeling fancy!)
    Mine don’t look nowhere near as pretty as yours- do you use the quennelle method? 😊

    • Laurena@LifeDietHealth 13th June 2024 at 11:29

      Yes, I’ve been making these for a while but I just changed my recipe so thought I’d share! These ones are more scone like as they have flour in them, making them lighter than those made solely with oats. No recollection of that YouTube channel – but then I’m usually creating recipes rather than watching others create! Cacao nibs is an interesting one to add to these – a bit of crunchy in the fluffiness! Of course, you totally overlooked my special reference for you that I’d hidden in the text lol!

      • evagallon 13th June 2024 at 16:41

        I was wondering about the tahini reference, if that was it lol. Still love your tahini flapjack, it’s the best! I don’t care if it’s not starch solution compliant hehe (they seem to be far too strict on healthy fats, grr).

        • Laurena@LifeDietHealth 13th June 2024 at 20:24

          Haha… I thought you must have seen it! Ooo, maybe I could make tahini flapjack tomorrow, I was just thinking of things to make this weekend! How’s your starch solution going?

          • evagallon 14th June 2024 at 15:37

            Going ok, thank you. After a very undisciplined start😋, I’m getting back on track with it (after 8 years!). I’ve only lost a few kilos so far (has to be in kilos now, I don’t have a scale in stone anymore)- but hopefully I’ll continue on the right track! Meals centred/centered(?) around boiled or baked potatoes, rice (white and brown), pulses, corn and veg, as well as oats for breakfast. Luckily I like eating simply, monotonously and repetitively at the moment lol (I cook other things for Raf). Think I’m going to be doing this until at least Christmas 🤪 Have a nice weekend x

          • Laurena@LifeDietHealth 18th June 2024 at 20:52

            All sounds like tasty wholefoods – potatoes, rice, oats, pulses, corn and veg! Christmas seems a long way away but I’m sure it will be here before we know it! Well done on the kg’s lost so far! Woohoo!

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