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Something easy & tasty for your weekend

apple turnovers

Apple Turnovers!

If you are the more experienced side of forty years old, you may remember that choice in supermarkets used to be very limited. Independent shops were everywhere and you visited the greengrocer, the butchers and the bakers to get your vegetables, meat and pastries. Of course, you can still do that today and I would definitely encourage supporting your local shops and cafes, but sometimes we opt for the ease of everything all in one place, or, with the current cost of living, the cheapest option of supermarkets buying power. One thing I do remember from my childhood, is supermarkets venturing into baked goods in the form of apple turnovers (sold in square plastic containers). Sometimes called apple puffs (although not to be confused with the pre-packaged factory churned out long-life variety), these are sugar sprinkled puff pastry triangles filled with a delicious apple filling. Of course I wanted to make these and share with you!

Crispy, flaky, apple turnovers

The apple turnover recipe

If you can remember eating these, you may doubt your ability to make something so delicious, but let me tell you these are so very easy if made using ready made rolled puff pastry. The ingredients are simple! Puff pastry, juicy apples, a pinch of spice and sugar – preferably brown. You can add in a couple of extras if you wish, such as sultanas or pecans, but simple is good and doable! If you prefer savoury puff pastries, check out some of my other puff pastry ideas.

Apple Turnovers

Puff pastry triangles filled with a delicious lightly spiced apple filling.

Course: Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Keyword: afternoon tea, apple turnovers, apples, dessert, fruit desserts, pastries, puff pastry
Created by:: Laurena @LifeDietHealth
  • 1 pack ready rolled puff pastry
  • 2-3 medium eating apples
  • 1/2 -2 tablespoons sugar (brown or white) depending on your preferred sweetness levels
  • 1/2 teaspoon mixed spice or cinnamon
  • 2-3 teaspoons brown sugar (crunchy style is best) for topping
  • *optional 2-3 tablespoons porridge oats (great if apples are very juicy)
  1. Turn the oven on to heat up. Gas mark 5 (375f / 190c). Get a baking tray (or 2) ready. I always use the paper the pastry is wrapped in to line my trays, but if you use liners or baking paper, get this ready.

  2. Take the pastry out of the fridge, unbox, take the plastic wrap off and allow to sit (still rolled) whilst you prepare the apples.

  3. Peel the apples, then cut the four sides off as close to the core as possible. Slice each of your four pieces into 0.5cm slices, then roughly chop each slice into 3-4 chunks. Put the apple pieces in a bowl, sprinkle the tablespoons of sugar over and the spice, then mix until thoroughly combined. This is easier done with your fingers as then you can separate the apple pieces and ensure they are all coated.

  4. Unroll your pastry, then cut into 6 equal squares (usually in half lengthways, then into thirds).

  5. If using the oats, sprinkle 1/2 tablespoon on one half of each square in a triangle shape (this is to soak up the juices and keep the pastry crispy). Spoon your apple mix on the pastry (on top of the oats if using). Try to keep 1/2-1cm gap around the outside and heap the apples the same height across your triangle. Repeat until all the apple is used up.

  6. Carefully lift the other part of the pastry over the apples to make a triangle. Make sure you pull the pastry up and over the bottom edge of pastry. Repeat with all your squares.

  7. Using the back of a fork, seal the edges of the pastry together all the way around, so the apple mixture is completely sealed in a pastry triangle. Carefully prick each triangle two or three times on top (to allow air to escape and help them keep their shape). Try not to be too fussy with perfection, as long as the apple is mostly enclosed, they will come out fine! Sprinkle your brown sugar on top.

  8. Transfer your triangles to your baking tray (if using the paper the pastry was on, just slide the whole lot onto the tray). Bake for 15-20 minutes (keep an eye on them and remove if browning too quickly). Allow to cool on the tray (filling will be hot if you eat them too soon)!

  9. Enjoy!

Here is a step by step guide to show you how easy these are to make.

What do I need?

Hopefully you have everything you need to chop some apples and pop something in the oven, but if you’re after a few new things, or you’ve just moved into your own place, here are a some things you may find useful for this recipe. I may receive a small commission if you click and purchase through these links (this is at no additional cost to you)!


Serve your apple turnovers as they are, warm from the oven, or add some custard, cream, yogurt or even ice-cream on the side. An extra sprinkle of crunchy brown sugar before serving can add that extra bit of decoration.

Apple turnover served with natural yogurt & a dusting of spice


These can be stored for a few days without losing their crispness. Depending on the temperature of your room, they can be stored covered on a worktop, or wrapped and refrigerated. These can also be frozen for 2-3 months if wrapped and placed in an airtight container although they will lose their crispness once defrosted – rectified by warming in the oven for 3-5 minutes once defrosted. Make sure to label them if freezing!

Perfectly cooked homemade apple turnovers


Are you sharing your apple turnovers? Are you having them for snacks? for dessert? or maybe for breakfast? Why not! Of course, if apple is not your thing, you could use another fruit such as pears or peaches or even a mixture.

As always, I love hearing about any recipes of mine you try, any ideas you adapt or suggestions you have for future recipes. Please share and tag me @LifeDietHealth or using #LifeDietHealth on InstagramPinterest,  Facebook or Twitter.

If you regularly visit my website, you may recall me saying I was changing my posting day! So this week you get two recipes from me! Hopefully this new day suits you – next week it will be back to one post on a Thursday! If you’re new here, why not click the link to subscribe so you always get my new recipes!

Leave me a comment below… I love to chat!

I hope to speak with you soon

Laurena x

Homemade apple turnovers
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