Life Diet Health

Stay safe, be happy, look after yourself

The world is slowly adapting to what is to become the new normal… at least for now. Most countries have put procedures in place, new rules and regulations which many deem as restrictive. Whilst we may or may not agree with the actions and the speed of which these are implemented, only time will tell if they are useful and necessary.

Whilst many are to stay indoors, away from others, with measures for social distancing, there are those who are carrying on vital work for their communities. If you are able to help others at this time, then your efforts will truly be appreciated.

What can we do…

Some simple things we can all do include:

⭐Picking up the phone: Call or video call friends & family.

⭐Write a note/letter: Just to say hello or to give a phone number in case help is needed.

⭐Donate to a food bank: Many people are lacking essentials as people are stockpiling. Search for your local branch and see what they need.

⭐Forward (and use) virtual resources using ideas from museum and gallery tours. For example, The British Museum has fantastic resources along with audio – great for learning new facts and keeping your brain sharp! Even the Opera has online performances which you can watch from the comfort of your own home.

⭐Follow the advice given by your own authorities.

Whatever you do, keep communicating with each other! Feel free to drop me a line below in the comments ⬇️

Stay safe, keep calm, be positive.

Laurena x

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