Tag Archives : health


The Secret Lives of those you love.

Uncovering the Impact of Hidden Truths Today, we are looking at the ‘Life’ and ‘Health’ parts of Life Diet Health! Of course there will be a recipe or two thrown in, but what I really want you to do, is focus on yourself and those around you. In our daily lives, we often navigate a maze of social interactions, building…

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Stay safe, be happy, look after yourself

The world is slowly adapting to what is to become the new normal… at least for now. Most countries have put procedures in place, new rules and regulations which many deem as restrictive. Whilst we may or may not agree with the actions and the speed of which these are implemented, only time will tell if they are useful and…

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valentines day card

YOU are special, you know that!

So today, February 14th is a day which brings mixed emotions for lots of people. This week on the radio they have been talking about it (it being Valentines Day)! being a day for single people! I’m not sure I agree with that, do you? I’d say it’s more a day for couples, but that’s my own opinion. Having said…

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Count the little things… they all add up!

What have you achieved so far today? You might think your list is looking how it started, but likely is you have woken up, had breakfast, showered, got dressed and possibly even made it to work! 🙂 Just because your list today has mow the lawn, tidy the lounge, clean the bathroom, post birthday cards and hoover the house and…

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You are amazing! I know! Believe in yourself!

Sometimes we put ourselves down. We think we are not good enough. We think we don’t achieve enough. We think everyone else is doing better than us. Where did this come from? Who told you that? Are you making it all up in your head?! Everyone has their own strengths and they are never comparable to anyone else – not…

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Do Something Unexpected – Make Their Day!

Just a reminder today, that no matter what life throws at you, as well as making time for yourself, you should always make time for others. Just a smile, a hello, a kind word could make all the difference to someone’s day. ? It doesn’t have to be someone you know, a simple gesture to acknowledge the work of the…

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Find your rewards at the end of the rainbow!

Have you ever chased a rainbow, hunting for the end, thinking it is just there, just in reach? ? Then you get to where you thought the end was and look up, it is somewhere else. ? So you go over there and still the end is not within reach. ? No matter how hard you try, that rainbow just keeps…

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Be Thankful for What YOU have!

I wrote a long post about my interpretation of this statement. Then, I stopped and thought about it. I realised that being thankful for what you have, could mean so many different things, to so many different people. Then I deleted everything I had written. I saw that the statement “Be Thankful for what YOU have!” speaks for itself and…

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In Memory. My Dad. My Hero.

In Memory. My Dad. My Hero. This is the hardest blog post I’ve ever had to write. I didn’t expect to write it now. Not today. Not this week. Not this month. Not even this year. My Dad survived so many incidents and accidents I thought he was invincible. His heart it appears decided otherwise. If you know me personally, you…

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