Tag Archives : Easter recipes

branch of blossom with a china egg hanging

Tasty Easter weekend baking you’ll love.

Long weekend! Whilst some of you may not have the luxury of a long weekend this week, here in the UK there are two extra days to the weekend! Good Friday (tomorrow) and Easter Monday (after the weekend). Spring is really in the air and traditionally this is the time when families get together for meals – perhaps the first…

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hot cross buns

Three different ways to get your delicious hot cross bun flavour

Hot Cross Buns. The aroma of a traditional hot cross bun is something which is easy to recognise and instantly makes you think of Easter. When I was growing up, I remember my best friends Mum making Hot Cross Buns and we would wait patiently for the fruity spiced buns to be ready. Of course, I always wondered why she…

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Buns! Buns! Buns!

Buns! Buns! Buns! Today is day two of the A-Z Challenge so we have the letter ‘B’… hence the buns! You can’t imagine how many times I have changed this post! ‘B’ could be so many things but as it is nearly Easter I wanted to post a seasonal recipe! 🙂 These took me a whole day to perfect! Seriously…

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