Tag Archives : free from

Fabulous Flapjack Friday (and its DEGF & chocolate too)!

Fabulous Flapjack Friday (DEGF & Chocolate) It’s fabulous Friday… fabulous because tomorrow it’s the weekend! That means plenty of yummy cake and biscuit trialling 🙂  What’s so good about this flapjack? Apart from it being DEGF (Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free.) and tasting sooo good you want to eat it all before it’s even out of the oven!? Well as if…

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Vegetarian DEGF Haggis… as it was Burns night!

Vegetarian DEGF Haggis So…yesterday was the first day since I’ve started this blog that I didn’t post anything. I started writing a post on my phone, then the phone rang and then I decided I would post a haggis recipe instead… but it took the rest of the day to create one worthy of posting! So… here it is a day late BUT…

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Weekend Wonder… DEGF Chocolate Mud cake (version 2)

DEGF Chocolate Mud Cake (version 2) I’m SO excited! I spent most of the day yesterday eating making chocolate cake! I wanted to perfect the recipe (DEGF chocolate mud cake) to make even the fussiest “I’m not eating your DEGF food” friends think that what they were eating was a chocoholics dream. That my recipe would fool even the cake connoisseurs,…

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Warming Winter Spiced Chocolate (DEGF)

Warming Winter Spiced Chocolate Oh My Gosh! 🙂 It was so cold yesterday I thought my fingers would drop off! I needed something to warm me up without making me (more!) lazy and lethargic and this… this was amazing! Don’t think ‘hot chocolate’ as this is most definitely not! Don’t think ‘creamy & calorific’ as there’s no cream or no dairy…

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Healthy Snacks & Treats (DEGF). Swap that sugar!

Healthy Snacks & Treats Today here is something a bit different. Not a recipe as we don’t all always have time to be in the kitchen cooking up Blueberry Cinnamon Muffins or Oaty Chocolate Drizzle Yummies. Yesterday I found ‘just what I’d been looking for’ in the guise of some wonderful jars! Not just any jars! Screwtop jars with easy to…

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Chilli bean lunch pot (DEGF of course)!

Chilli bean lunch pot (DEGF)… Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free. With the weather in the UK getting colder by the day I decided that some warming food was needed! This can be prepared in advance and quickly heated up for a filling and nutritious lunch. Alternatively cook it for dinner and serve with a jacket potato and a salad (note to…

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DEGF Warming Winter Lentil Soup (Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free.)

DEGF Warming Winter Lentil Soup This recipe is one that is frequently made in our house and yesterday when I went in the kitchen I could smell the luscious lentils which my husband had decided to cook for lunch :-). This is a very easy recipe and the resulting dish is a nutritious meal packed full of protein, dietary fibre, iron,…

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DEGF Chocolate Mud Cake (Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free.)

DEGF Chocolate Mud Cake (version 1) Hello! So… now that  I’ve eaten all of the DEGF chocolate mud cake (I did have some help)! here is the recipe 🙂 Did you guess that D.E.G.F. meant Dairy, Egg, Gluten, Free? What a great acronym (say: dee, eee, geee, efff) which I will now start using on all recipes that meet the…

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