Tag Archives : health

Bread…but not as you know it!

Bread…but not as you know it! Oh this is good! 🙂 Really really good! It’s not your fluffy white bread. It’s not your crusty topped loaf. It’s not a flat bread, nor a pitta, but this is good! 😀 There is no wheat, no gluten, no yeast, but this loaf is so tasty! If you’re gluten free, dairy free, yeast…

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Life, Time & Solutions!

Life, Time & Solutions! Where’s the recipe for that! I’ll take it! 😀 There are of course only 24 hours in a day! Some of these MUST be used for sleeping – to rejuvenate your body from the days stresses – I’ll give you 6-9 hours for that, so you’re left with 15-18 hours. That’s a lot of time!  …

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Happy February! :)

Happy February! 🙂 Can you believe a whole month of 2017 has passed already? Veganuary has finished but I hope if you took part you’ve learnt something? had some amazing food? and considered continuing? … be that a couple of times a month or full time! 🙂 Last night I realised that I’ve managed to keep my new years resolution…

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H = Happy Healthy Home

H = Happy Healthy Home This is day 8 of the A-Z Challenge and therefore the letter I did have a couple of ‘H’ recipes but I realised that for several posts now I haven’t talked much about ‘Life’ or ‘Health’ and this would give me the opportunity! Often unless something bad happens, we don’t stop and think about what…

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Tomorrow is another day! Don’t stress the chocolate!

Tomorrow is another day! Don’t Stress the Chocolate! Well! Today hasn’t exactly gone to plan… not that I had a plan as such, but besides trying to catch a glimpse of the eclipse, that is so far all my day has achieved! Okay, so that is not strictly true! I had a phone call from a friend which lasted almost…

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Happy Sunny Sunday… Fresh air for you!

Happy Sunny Sunday 🙂 It’s sunny. There is an almost clear blue sky! 🙂 It’s the weekend. Get off the internet and go outside! Go for a walk, get the bike out, do some gardening (lots of seeds can be planted from now onwards), take a ball to the park, try out those running shoes or dig out those dusty…

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Organic or Non-Organic? Do you know what you’re eating?

Organic or Non-Organic? Do you know what you are eating? Hello all! 🙂 Did you miss me! I don’t think I’ve ever posted this late! 😛 Not that I’m a morning person but if I make my posts the first thing I do, then I have the rest of the morning to play in the kitchen! 🙂 Today I want to ask…

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Healthy Snacks & Treats (DEGF). Swap that sugar!

Healthy Snacks & Treats Today here is something a bit different. Not a recipe as we don’t all always have time to be in the kitchen cooking up Blueberry Cinnamon Muffins or Oaty Chocolate Drizzle Yummies. Yesterday I found ‘just what I’d been looking for’ in the guise of some wonderful jars! Not just any jars! Screwtop jars with easy to…

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DEGF Warming Winter Lentil Soup (Dairy. Egg. Gluten. Free.)

DEGF Warming Winter Lentil Soup This recipe is one that is frequently made in our house and yesterday when I went in the kitchen I could smell the luscious lentils which my husband had decided to cook for lunch :-). This is a very easy recipe and the resulting dish is a nutritious meal packed full of protein, dietary fibre, iron,…

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