Tag Archives : healthy

sharing platter

Easy idea for a perfect festive season

Keep it simple! Tomorrow sees the start of December (2023) which for many brings with it lots of stress! Well, here is one idea to help you create a perfect quick and easy platter sure to please everyone. Now, the idea here is to keep it simple, so I would suggest just pulling everything suitable out of your fridge, grabbing…

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celery soup

The best things in life are free…

Waste not want not! This was not a planned recipe! Well, not entirely, but when you are gifted 4 packs of celery, correction, frozen celery (yes, that is a thing), then experimentation commences! Now, celery is not something I often buy because there are many other foods I’d rather spend my money on, but I do eat it… sometimes! I’ve…

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Greek salad in a dish

Easily make tasty tofu and never run out again!

Tastier & Easier than you think! I know tofu is a bit like marmite, but once you’ve discovered how easy this is to make and how tasty it can be, you will thank me! You might be thinking that my easy, and your easy are very different things, but this really is much simpler than you would expect! Of course,…

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Thai yellow curry in a white bowl with a navy blue background

Love a little spice, a lot of taste!

Thai style yellow curry If you’ve been following my blog for some time, you may recall that I used to have a very different idea of making curry! What I’ve since discovered is that they are really easy if you know what you’re doing! This Thai style yellow curry was a new method to me, but it is certainly one…

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slow cooker

Love your slow cooker

Make it easy! A little bit of simplicity to make our days easier is something we can all do with from time to time. If you are yet to buy a slow cooker – or dig it out from the back of the cupboard, you really should think about it! A slow cooker is just as it says – it…

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stew in cumplings in a white bowl

Five comforting winter recipes to warm you up

Comfort Foods I have some lovely new recipes to post including some vegan kofte, a vegetable hotpot, a cheesy topped pie and a few others, but the lack of good daylight means my photos leave a lot to be desired! So, today we will take a look back at some previous recipes. As the weather in the UK is still…

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seared lettuce with yogurt dressing and pomegranate

Lettuce can be more exciting than you think! Learn to love it!

Little Gems! I know it is January and it’s more soup, stew, casserole and pie weather, but we still need to get our vegetables in for those all important vitamins and minerals. Now, I would not usually recommend what I am going to, but this is too good not to do! Why lettuce though? There is a food sharing app…

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Season’s Greetings to you! Yes you!

Season’s Greetings! Happy Holidays and Season’s Greetings to all of my friends, family, followers and readers. I hope you all manage to have a happy and healthy festive season and stay safe and well. Think of others today… This time of year is usually when many get to see their family, extended family and friends. This year is likely to…

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