Tag Archives : life coaching


The Secret Lives of those you love.

Uncovering the Impact of Hidden Truths Today, we are looking at the ‘Life’ and ‘Health’ parts of Life Diet Health! Of course there will be a recipe or two thrown in, but what I really want you to do, is focus on yourself and those around you. In our daily lives, we often navigate a maze of social interactions, building…

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Count the little things… they all add up!

What have you achieved so far today? You might think your list is looking how it started, but likely is you have woken up, had breakfast, showered, got dressed and possibly even made it to work! 🙂 Just because your list today has mow the lawn, tidy the lounge, clean the bathroom, post birthday cards and hoover the house and…

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You are amazing! I know! Believe in yourself!

Sometimes we put ourselves down. We think we are not good enough. We think we don’t achieve enough. We think everyone else is doing better than us. Where did this come from? Who told you that? Are you making it all up in your head?! Everyone has their own strengths and they are never comparable to anyone else – not…

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Find your rewards at the end of the rainbow!

Have you ever chased a rainbow, hunting for the end, thinking it is just there, just in reach? ? Then you get to where you thought the end was and look up, it is somewhere else. ? So you go over there and still the end is not within reach. ? No matter how hard you try, that rainbow just keeps…

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The key is perseverance…

How many times have you started something and then given up? Maybe it was too easy? Maybe it was too hard? Maybe it took too much time? Maybe you needed someone else to help? Maybe it was repetitive? Maybe it was just too boring? How many times did you think about it afterwards? How many times did you think ‘I…

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Thinker… or do-er?

Thinker… or do-er? Something a little bit different today as I’ve realised the ‘Life’ side of LifeDietHealth is getting a bit neglected! 😛 Some of you may know that I’ve been studying to be a Life Coach 🙂 but this often gets pushed aside for my nutrition studies! 😀 Surprisingly I have discovered that I am more and more becoming…

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