Tag Archives : wellness

I can and I will on a green background

You can and you will…

You can and you will… Just a quick note from me in these strange times we are all in. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, however your circumstances are… make yourself a plan, a goal, an aim, a dream. Write it down. Share it. Write it bigger. Make it bolder. Visualise it. This could be something such as get…

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5 Easy Summer Salads

5 Easy Summer Salads When the weather is heating up, cooking is generally the last thing on your mind – who wants to slave away in the kitchen when the sun is shining?! So, light the barbeque, skewer some veg, marinate some tofu (or meat/ fish/ chicken) and prepare these 5 easy summer salads to go with your meal! Salad…

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buddha bowl

Summer is on the way… !

Summer is on the way… ! If you are in the UK… isn’t it a glorious day!? It certainly feels like Summer here! (20c / 68f) So, out are the hot soups, the curries and the chili and instead let’s have salads! No, not a bit of lettuce and tomato, a proper salad! or even how about a delicious Buddha bowl? I…

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Dish or chickpea, potato and spinach curry with salad and raita sides

Fragrant Vegetable Curry

Fragrant Vegetable Curry Curry conjures up all sorts of images depending who you are, where you’re from, what your local takeaway serves and whether or not you are fortunate enough to have friends who have been taught by their parents how to make the best tasting curries using fresh spices! I think I’ve always liked the actual taste of curry,…

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2018… Goals…Veganuary… Happy New Year!

2018… Goals…Veganuary… Happy New Year! Happy New Year to you all! 🙂 I wish you a wonderful evening of celebrations, followed by an amazing 2018. YOU… yes YOU reading this! YOU have the ability to change your life and make it the best you can! YOU have the ideas, the dreams, the aspirations to be whatever you want to be…

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Spiced Tofu… try it you might be surprised!

Spiced Tofu Love it or hate it? 😛 I haven’t posted a tofu recipe for a while! It’s one of those foods you either love, and try all different ways, or hate and avoid at all costs! I used to fall into the latter. I could never see the point of eating a bland lump of disintegrating mush. Boy was I…

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Chickpeas & Chard

Chickpeas & Chard Who knew! Apparently chard grows all year round! Every time we visit the allotment there’s delightful greens, deep reds and yellows to greet us popping up through the bare soil. Not much else is growing now especially since we’ve had frosts this week but the chard… the chard is still there, steadily growing. We use it like…

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Bread…but not as you know it!

Bread…but not as you know it! Oh this is good! 🙂 Really really good! It’s not your fluffy white bread. It’s not your crusty topped loaf. It’s not a flat bread, nor a pitta, but this is good! 😀 There is no wheat, no gluten, no yeast, but this loaf is so tasty! If you’re gluten free, dairy free, yeast…

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