
Cake, birthdays & holidays!

Cake, birthdays & holidays! First of all, just a reminder for you all not to believe everything you read online! Rewind 20 years and the world was a much more honest place! Today there are all sorts of unscrupulous people parading as anything they want to be! This week on a local website somebody posted about an email scam which…

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Green Banana Nut Cutlets – Vegan & Free-From

Green Banana Nut Cutlets – Vegan & Free-From Stay there… don’t run away! 😛 This recipe intrigued me when I first heard about it from Zeba @FoodfortheSoul 🙂 So I went out and sourced green bananas! Not plaintains- actual green bananas!!! If you’ve never had green bananas they are sticky! They are impossible to peel and they are rock solid!…

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Put on Purple… served with ice-cream!

Put on Purple… served with ice-cream! I wasn’t intending to post today as I should really have ‘one’ rest day in my – “I’m having a rest week”! Never mind – maybe at the weekend I can get some rest! 😀 So, why am I posting and what’s all this about purple? Well, the month of May is Lupus month…

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Fast Food with a difference! It’s fast & it’s cake-y!!!

Fast Food with a difference! It’s fast & it’s cake-y!!! So, I’m sitting in my kitchen thinking I need more ‘rest’ time after my very busy week last week! Rest = tea & biscuits (cookies) or coffee & cake right? Of course it does! 😀 I have tea – green tea, mint tea, earl grey tea, English Breakfast tea, flower tea…

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Tropical Rice Salad

Tropical Rice Salad  . Hello everyone! 🙂 Well, what a busy weekend I had! If you read my last post ‘zingy marbled cheesecake’ then you’ll know that I was co-hosting the weekly Fiesta Friday blog party! 🙂 Usually if I am looking at recipes they are foods which mostly meet my health needs i.e. dairy free, gluten free and refined…

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Pitta Picnic Pockets…Gluten Free & Vegan

Pitta Picnic Pockets…Gluten Free & Vegan Oh my GOSH! Can you believe it’s May already! A whole third of the year has already passed! Don’t they say ‘time flies when you’re having fun?!’ It certainly flies that’s for sure… maybe it’s an ‘as-you-get-older’ thing? Talking of older, Happy Birthday to my little sister not that she’s little as she is…

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Thinker… or do-er?

Thinker… or do-er? Something a little bit different today as I’ve realised the ‘Life’ side of LifeDietHealth is getting a bit neglected! 😛 Some of you may know that I’ve been studying to be a Life Coach 🙂 but this often gets pushed aside for my nutrition studies! 😀 Surprisingly I have discovered that I am more and more becoming…

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Cookathon Vegetable Pie & my love for nut butter!

Cookathon Vegetable Pie & my love for nut butter! I hope you’re all having a great weekend! Unbelievably I’ve nearly eaten a whole jar of crunchy almond butter since my delivery on Friday! 😮  I guess it’s a lesson learnt that when you find something you like, you shouldn’t then buy a cheaper version! You couldn’t imagine how different two jars…

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