
Do you really know how to cook Tofu?

Do you really know how to cook Tofu? When I was vegetarian I really didn’t like tofu. I didn’t understand why it was even something people liked to eat! 😛 When I became vegan and thought (wrongly) that I had less to eat (such as no cheese, no eggs), tofu seemed to be an ideal food to try again! If…

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Melt in the mouth… vegan cookies

Melt in the mouth…vegan cookies Oh yes! 😀 Melt in the mouth and vegan don’t usually go together but these… these are just that! They have a slight crisp shell which breaks through to a soft melty buttery interior. It’s insane… they are so easy to make with only FOUR basic ingredients! 😀 Add your favourite extras such as chocolate…

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Daal with Chickpeas (vegan & free-from)

Daal with Chickpeas Hello 😀 It’s Wednesday (just!) and I’ve managed to get back on track (no idea how!) This week I’ve had my little sisters children staying… I’m so not used to having a 2 year old around full time! and with his 6 year old sister too! We had FUN!!! But Oh I was SO tired! Special thanks to my…

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Happy St. Patricks Day with Pesto Courgetti

Happy St. Patricks Day with Pesto Courgetti This week has been better! Not that I’ve got much done though! But at least I’ve had a bit of a rest and restored my energy! 🙂 As promised, I’m actually managing to post twice this week! 😀 Today is St. Patricks Day – not that we celebrate it, but it is becoming…

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Vegan Taco Jackfruit

Vegan Taco Jackfruit Okay! I’m sorry! It’s Tuesday again! What an unbelievable week I’ve had! You can never tell what each day can bring and I was certainly most unprepared for what happened this week! and… then my laptop wouldn’t turn on! 🙁 So, as I said last week – I will “try” to post again this week and then…

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Pies! Vegan & Gluten Free Pies!

Pies! Vegan & Gluten Free Pies! I know… I’m posting on a Tuesday again (instead of Wednesday) but you see ever since I started my blog I’ve posted AT LEAST once a week! So, because I posted pancakes last week for Pancake Day on Tuesday, that means I need to post again today! I’m going to make this an interim…

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Happy Pancake Day & Fairtrade Fortnight!

Happy Pancake Day & Fairtrade Fortnight It’s pancake day! Well, actually in our house it’s nearly always pancake day but today is ‘officially’ pancake day! 😛 That said I don’t usually get a request for pancakes before 7am! “Get up Mum, we need to make pancakes!” BEFORE school? Oh my! Usually I can get away with just making my own…

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Time for a Curry… Vegan & Gluten-Free

Time for a Curry… Vegan & Gluten-Free The weekly lunch that appears always to be at mine nowadays! 😛 🙂 has moved from a Friday to a Wednesday – mainly to accommodate my best friends change in work schedule! 😀 I usually just rustle up whatever I have in the fridge that morning and it never gets onto the blog,…

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chocolate cheesecake

Chocolate Pecan Cheesecake

Chocolate Pecan Cheesecake It’s the school holidays here this week and we’ve already been away for a few days. In a caravan! On what was the coldest weekend of the year! BUT… it was LOVELY! We were toasty warm with central heating and we even had an ensuite bathroom! Yes, in the caravan! 🙂 Have a look at this gorgeous quiet…

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