Life Diet Health

Use yer loaf and make this delicious simple bread

sliced bread on a navy plate

Oat Loaf

I’m having a bit of a giggle to myself as I write this as my late Dad always used to say ‘use yer loaf’! Maybe it was because anything that needed fixing or building came so easily to him; or maybe I was just a bit slow responding to his requests of “butt the 2-by-2 up to the formica” or “pass me the philips”!

Anyway, I have recently started cooking more with oats, and this loaf is the perfect quick fix to those times when you need some bread without going out to the shop. You can have this ready from start to finish in less than 45 minutes and it is great as it is, or toasted.

Oat bread toped with sesame, pumpkin & sunflower seeds

What’s so special about oats?

Why am I making a loaf using oats? Well, oats are a wholegrain, which are far healthier for you than refined processed grains such as white flour for instance. Wholegrains contain the whole grain (yes really)! so your body gets all the benefits of low fat, high fibre, and nutrients, rather than the stripped back version of the grain which has been extensively processed.

Oats also contain quite a high proportion of protein, so by eating this oat bread, you will stay fuller for longer and fuel your body with a healthy dose of protein (17g per 100g). What do the numbers mean? Well, 17g of protein is roughly a third of the required daily amount for a healthy adult female (specifically 0.8g protein per 1kg of bodyweight).

Sliced oat bread for breakfast

The Oat Loaf Recipe

This is really a very simple recipe which you can, of course add your own spin to! Obviously oats are required, then the other main ingredient is natural yogurt (I used plain unsweetened soya yogurt). A pinch of salt, a splash of milk and a spoon of linseed, then baking powder or bicarbonate of soda (although it will work without either of these). You can add seeds, or nuts in the loaf, or sprinkle them on top (or both). It really is a simple and quick recipe which you can make fresh as you need it. Here’s the recipe.

Oat Bread

A quick and easy bread using oats & yogurt

Keyword: bread, gluten free bread, oat bread, oats, porridge bread
Created by:: Laurena @LifeDietHealth
  • 200 g oats (gluten free if required)
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground linseed (flaxseed)
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder (OR 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda if you like the soda taste)
  • 240 g natural yogurt
  • 40 ml milk (I used oat milk)
  • *optional selection of seeds or nuts (e.g. sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, nigella, walnuts, hazelnuts)
  1. Measure the oats into a bowl, add the salt, baking powder and linseed, lightly mix to combine.

  2. Add the yogurt and milk, then mix well.

  3. Optional – add some whole seeds or nuts into the mixture and mix through.

  4. Spoon the mixture into a non-stick pan (see link in post for the ones I use), or a greased/lined tin, and level out. You should aim for a depth of around 3cm. Optional – sprinkle the top with seeds and/or chopped nuts and lightly press in.

  5. Bake at Gas Mark 4 (350f / 180c) for 30 minutes. The loaf should have pulled away from the edges and the crust should be golden. Carefully remove from the tin and replace in the oven for a further 5 minutes.

  6. Allow to cool (if you can)! before slicing and serving.

  7. Enjoy!

What do I need?

I have tried to make this recipe so easy that no special equipment is required! If you are new to cooking or your kitchen needs a refresh, here are a few useful things for this recipe. I receive a small commission if you click and purchase through these links (this is at no additional cost to you)!


I have mostly been eating this as bread or toast with cheese spread and/or marmite. I’ve also used it instead of a roll to make a hot dog and of course, I have eaten it with soup. You can serve this bread however you would usually use bread – make beans on toast, have it for breakfast with jam, make a sandwich, or just have a snack of peanut butter on toast!

Oat loaf served with cream cheese, olives and tomatoes


This will store well for a couple of days (probably more but so far I’ve only managed to resist it for two so far)! Of course, it is freezable too and I would portion it, wrap with greaseproof paper, label and freeze. It should keep okay for 1-2 months in the freezer and still taste great when defrosted.


I hope you decide to make this delicious and verstile oat loaf! I love seeing your adaptions and interpretations of my recipes and I’d love to see your photos of this! What will you make a plain loaf? Or will you add seeds, spices or nuts?

What will you eat your loaf with? Please share and tag me @LifeDietHealth or using #LifeDietHealth on InstagramPinterest,  Facebook or Twitter.

Leave me a comment below… I love to chat!

I hope to speak with you soon

Laurena x

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