Browsing Category : Bread


Recreate those delicious holiday memories at home.

Classic Street Snack. The last few weeks in the UK have been hot and sunny, reminding me not only of my younger days (yes, we used to have weather like that then) but also of the time I lived in Turkey. Whilst I did live there in all seasons, the summer seemed to stretch on for months, and you could…

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branch of blossom with a china egg hanging

Tasty Easter weekend baking you’ll love.

Long weekend! Whilst some of you may not have the luxury of a long weekend this week, here in the UK there are two extra days to the weekend! Good Friday (tomorrow) and Easter Monday (after the weekend). Spring is really in the air and traditionally this is the time when families get together for meals – perhaps the first…

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hot cross buns

Three different ways to get your delicious hot cross bun flavour

Hot Cross Buns. The aroma of a traditional hot cross bun is something which is easy to recognise and instantly makes you think of Easter. When I was growing up, I remember my best friends Mum making Hot Cross Buns and we would wait patiently for the fruity spiced buns to be ready. Of course, I always wondered why she…

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sliced bread on a navy plate

Use yer loaf and make this delicious simple bread

Oat Loaf I’m having a bit of a giggle to myself as I write this as my late Dad always used to say ‘use yer loaf’! Maybe it was because anything that needed fixing or building came so easily to him; or maybe I was just a bit slow responding to his requests of “butt the 2-by-2 up to the…

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naan bread

Naan Bread

I am a bread fiend! I love bread! Any type of bread! White bread, granary bread, thick bread, thin bread, toasted bread, crispy bread and naan bread. I created this recipe a while ago, and thought I would share it today – rather than not share a recipe at all! I have been busy and I almost… I said ‘almost’…

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4 different ways with the flavour of hot cross buns

4 different ways with the flavour of hot cross buns Hot Cross Bun choices these days have gone crazy! I have seen salted caramel, toffee fudge, earl grey & lemon, chocolate chip, triple berry, Bramley apple, blueberry, orange & cranberry and many more variations! You can also get savoury hot cross buns (please explain this to me!) in the form…

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English Muffins

English Muffins Wow! Straight from the oven these muffins have got to be one of the best things I have ever made! OMGosh! Totally amazing! 😀 You should must make these! Like right now! The Muffin Recipe This recipe uses straightforward ingredients, similar to breadmaking. Plain flour, yeast, sugar, salt, butter and milk. Obviously if you are vegan you can…

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Fluffy Cornmeal Savoury Muffins

Fluffy Cornmeal Savoury Muffins You know when you crave some carbs but think you should be healthy and not stuff yourself with white bread? Well, enter the fluffy cornmeal savoury muffins! Oh, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with white bread but sometimes you just need something a bit ‘more!’ The Muffin recipe We wanted to make something…

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