Browsing Category : Others

baked beans

Back to Basics – love these very simple homemade baked beans!

Beans! This week we’re going to add to our ‘back to basics’ series with the most straightforward and satisfying baked beans recipe ever! Sometimes, the simplest dishes are the most comforting, and these baked beans are no exception. Whether you’re looking for a quick side dish or a hearty addition to your breakfast, this recipe is sure to become a…

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homemade baked beans on toast with rocket

Is this the easiest recipe ever? Love this 2 ingredient…

Beans for your toast or jacket potatoes! Tinned baked beans are a great quick and easy food for many, but did you know they are packed with sugar and salt? Sure, it’s very easy to open a tin and make beans on toast or fill a jacket potato, but when you realise this quick and easy substitute you might rethink…

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Add this easy recipe to your next roast

Stuffing makes everything better! This week my local radio have been discussing ‘foods that make a roast’ so I thought I would play along and really think about it! Of course, everyone has different opinions but you have to have stuffing right? The thing with stuffing is, do you have crisp and crunchy or soft and whatever the opposite of…

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salad with dressing

Quick & Easy way to pimp your salad!

End of summer As the weather changes and the summer weather changes to autumnal vibes, it is all too easy to suddenly forget about buying and eating salad in favour of root vegetables and squashes. However, for a quick lunch when the weather is still warm but a bit grey and drizzly, adding something to ‘pimp’ your salad can make…

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Greek salad in a dish

Easily make tasty tofu and never run out again!

Tastier & Easier than you think! I know tofu is a bit like marmite, but once you’ve discovered how easy this is to make and how tasty it can be, you will thank me! You might be thinking that my easy, and your easy are very different things, but this really is much simpler than you would expect! Of course,…

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beans on toast

It’s easy to make your own delicious baked beans

Beans. What do you think of when you think of beans? How about when you think of beans on toast? If I asked about a jacket potato and beans? If you are in the UK, likely is, there is a certain brand of beans in a tin you will think of whenever you think of beans! Of course, there is…

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cheese scones

Whip up these delicious cheese scones in 20 minutes

Scones. Sometimes, I want something savoury that’s quick to prepare, but not necessarily toast (with Marmite)! This weekend was one of those occasions and after a very quick think, I decided to whip up a batch of these delicious cheese scones! Made with just a few simple ingredients, including vegan cheese, butter, milk and flour, these scones are so quick…

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yorkshire pudding

Get ready for delicious egg free Yorkshire Puddings!

Yorkshire Pudding Day! Well, did you know there was such a thing!? Apparently, the first UK Yorkshire Pudding Day was in 2007, and it is now observed annually on the first Sunday of February. This year, it falls this weekend, on Sunday 5th February 2023. History of the Pudding The history of Yorkshire puddings can be traced back to the…

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