Life Diet Health

Where are you now? In the past, future, present?

We all have memories. Some good, some bad.

We all have had experiences. Some good, some bad.

We all have coping methods. Some better than others.

Look at something you’ve been thinking about. Is it from the past, is it in the future, or is it something now in the present? What are your thoughts about it? Are the thoughts positive or negative? Do you wish your thoughts were different about this? Why? What do you wish to be different?

Did you know that the power of thought is a great thing!? If you can think it, that is the first step towards change! 🙂 Your behaviour and attitude comes from your thoughts! If you only think positive thoughts and think before you speak, think before you act and only think positive, then gradually your thoughts and actions will change! 🙂

For example, going back to decluttering

if you look at the space which is untidy for long enough, you don’t notice it any more! The pile of books, the stack of papers, the oddments, the pens, the coins that are all there, belong there. That is their home. You know where they are. They are tidy – in their own right. But, do they really belong there? Imagine that space being completely empty. Imagine not having to dust around everything. Imagine a lovely fresh vase of flowers there. The more you imagine it, the more your brain will wonder if you could actually change it! So you look at the papers and realise some are out of date, some are just junk anyway, others need sorting and filing and quickly they have been recycled and moved. You have a bit more space. You have a bit more tidy. That space could be for a nice romantic candle – giving off a relaxing scent and calming your mind. You put the coins in your purse, the pens in a pot, the oddments return to their proper homes and the books go back to the library or a shelf. You did it! That space is now free – just from the power of your positive thoughts. ?

Have a look at the section in this blog post about worrying. We all worry about things. Maybe you are worry free at the minute, but something has been worrying you before? Was it worth the worry? Did it actually need worrying about, or did it all work out well in the end? Never mind the fact that it could have gone wrong! More than likely it went well and the worry could have been avoided. Once again – positive thinking. Think of all the things which could go well with your worry. Get your brain to only think positive thoughts. Think of the outcome you would really like and let that thought take over your worry. ?

Maybe you have a phobia about something? Phobias mean different things to different people and usually stem from past experiences. Have you ever seen someone overcome their phobias? Did you think that there is no way possible that their phobia could have been as great as yours!? You know what… it was probably worse! You have to want to overcome it. You have to think about overcoming it. Whether it be a fear of spiders, a phobia of flying, a fear of blushing, a phobia of small spaces, a fear of heights, a phobia of tunnels, a fear of social situations or any other phobia, they can be lessened with positive thinking, rational thoughts, someone else’s perspective and step-by-step goals.

I’m not saying it is easy. I’m not dismissing your thoughts. I’m not saying change will happen overnight. I’m just asking you to always think of the positives that ‘could be’ in any given situation. I’m just asking you to let your brain see the positives.

Think on these words and see if there is something which you can act on now.

As always, your comments are always welcome and I will reply personally to each one. If you prefer to keep your thoughts private from the world but would like to say, share or ask something, feel free to email me at

Sending positive thoughts, vibes and energy your way! ?

Hear from you soon

Laurena x

If you have a spare five or six minutes to learn a relaxation technique, here’s one to get you started:

Click here to access audio (5 minutes 42 seconds)

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