Life Diet Health

Z = Zabaglione

Smooth, creamy, delicious AND dairy and egg free!!!


OMGosh!!! 🙂 We’ve reached the final day of the A-Z challenge!

I started the challenge on letter A as registrant 684 and now at Z I am registered as 566! That’s a lot of people who have dropped out (not sure how many altogether as there were over 1500 of us) so I feel a great sense of achievement! 🙂 Thank you ALL if you’ve read any of my posts (especially if you’ve read them daily), if you’ve followed me, liked my posts, added comments and asked questions. It’s YOU who make this blog worthwhile so THANK YOU!  🙂  

For those of you who read my post yesterday (yummies) get this… my meat munching, non baking hubby DID make me a plate of biscuits!!! He even MADE almond butter as I’d eaten all of ours!!! Oh AND I had a yummy vegan dinner on the table five minutes after I got in!!! LOTS of love <3 <3 in our house at the moment!

Anyway, how many of you thought I would post ‘zucchini’ today? Did you? Me too! 😛 I was planning a ‘Zesty Zucchini’ recipe until I thought hang on a minute, in the UK zucchini are called courgettes – check out my courgetti recipe I don’t think ‘Zucchetti’ really has the same ring to it! 😛

So, one of the blogs I follow regularly  (in fact that’s how I found out about this challenge) is Lisa at Basil & Oil Lisa has a theme for her challenge  (well done Lisa!!! For me just thinking up A-Z recipes was difficult enough without a theme) her theme is Italian Cuisine. I’ve even told Lisa I’m guessing her ‘Z’ but then I thought hang on a minute! Why not try a vegan version… as it will be completely different (if Lisa chooses zabaglione!) So! Zabaglione! It’s a dessert traditionally made with eggs, cream and sugar which of course is everything Life Diet Health avoids! Zabaglione is also flavoured with a hint of marsala so feel free to add some if you wish! I’ve used maple syrup and vanilla for flavouring instead so just adjust the amounts if using the alcohol! Zabaglione as well as being a dessert, can also be drunk instead so I’ve included the difference for both options below.  Let’s see how it worked!



  1. Put the cashews and coconut in a bowl. Pour the milk over, add the vanilla and mix well.  Soak for at least an hour. The longer you soak them the smoother and creamier the end result will be!
  2. Put the tofu in a blender with the cashew and coconut mixture. Add any remaining liquid. Process until smooth. Then process some more… and some more! Add the maple syrup a spoon at a time, using the processor to mix it in thoroughly. Taste test and add maple syrup as required and process some more if the texture is still grainy.
  3. Pour into glasses if you are using this as a drink OR add 1 teaspoon chia seeds and mix well then leave for 15-20 minutes before spooning into dishes.
  4. Chill until ready to eat then decorate as desired with fresh fruits, a sprinkle of coconut sugar and fresh mint.
  5. Enjoy!

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